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Hello there. I'm new!

Postby LadyM2008 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:22 am

Hey there. I'm new to this site. I have only recently been diganosed with depression (Friday afternoon) and have been put on Citalopram.

What is everyone's experience of it?

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Me again!

Postby LadyM2008 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:33 am

I suppose it would help if I added a bot about myself. I live in the UK. I am 34, eternally single and I share a house with a gay man!

I could not give a specific incident that set me off on the slipery slope I now find myself on. Eventually, it got so bad, that I wnet to the doctor a few months ago.

On that visit, I was pretty much told to pull myself together! I went home and tried to do just that, but it did not work. It took me a lot of courage to go back to the doctor's last week, and luckiliy, this time I had one who understood what I was going through and she put me on Citalopram (I don't know what the US equivalent is).

Is it normal not to be able to define why you feel like this? I don't know why I am the way I am. I just know that half the time I cannot work up any enthusiasm to do anything, even though I know I should. I find myself on the verge of tears half the time, even though there is no logical cause for it.

My housemate knows that I am on medication, but I have not told my family, as they tend to be of the same opinion as my first doctor!

Fingers crossed that things improve from here!

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Postby Atrophy » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:48 am


citalopram/ciprimil I think out of all the ones I have been on I found that the best with the least side effects.

I'm glad you got a more understanding doctor, blatantly if you thought you cuold just 'pull yourself together' you wouldn't have felt the need to ask for help in the first place.

Sometimes I cry just at thought of doing anything else at all, because I feel I can't even do what I am already doing, this can be anything as small as emptying the dishwasher.

Hope the meds work for you and things improve.

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:05 am

Each of us has a different physiology, therefore the same meds will affect each of us differently. And as for not being able to recognise a specific catalist, sometimes we don't need one. Sometimes it's simply a chemical imbalance. I wish I could give you a quick easy miracle cure but there isn't one. It takes therapy, meds, exercise, proper diet among other things. It takes the care of a doctor to properly diagnose you and set up the right program that will work right for you. Keep in mind it takes apx 6 weeks to feel the full effects of a medication. I hope this helps.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:43 am

(((((((((((((( LadyM2008 )))))))))))))))

Welcome to the forum.

The not being able to explain why we feel as we do, depressed, etc., is one of the biggest issues for me. Thinking I should be thankful for this or that, all do to society or our up bringing. But feel as I do, well I just do.

I know I, nor you, are along in this spot we seem to find ourselves. Many chatters here, all wondering the same. Sometimes you find a good doctor, sometimes you don't. You would think with the training they go through it would be one of the same, but it isn't.

All I know, for myself, is not to be so hard on yourself. You deal with what you must, you do as the doctor's say, you take this medicine or that, all with hopes that you can live a life and have understanding and happiness find you.

Here you will find some of the most wonderful, caring and giving people. All dealing with the same as each other. We tend to become a family, one for all, supportive and well as said, a family.

Hope to see you posting again, know there is also a chat room and blogs connect with this forums, if you want to give them a try.

Take care and again, Welcome!!


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