hey I'm a residential school survivor

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hey I'm a residential school survivor

Postby littlebigbear23 » Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:00 pm

sup, not much to say. My grandmother and her mother(so and so forth) where raised up in that system which then passed to my mother then onto me. that cycle of pain and hatred has fallen on my shoulders and when I look up and see the world, there is nothing but insatiable greed for useless things that hold no true value to the betterment of basic human liberation(as in money). For we are all slaves to the dark underworld that controls the system that we here live under, to those how are blissfully ignorant I have no word for them for they willingly live in a neat little box free from reality. but for me who sees the countless atrocities that humans commit on a daily bases and knowing that I as a person, a "citizen" and a human being have no power to do anything about it but scream out a voiceless cry unable to be heard and sit behind and watch while we continue to slaughter each other, and by doing so, all of us tend to forget or not even care or maybe even revel in the continuation of the destruction of our one and only home all in the name of ''progress", for the earth doesn't belong to us; it is we who are but a tiny little piece of this ever beautiful bright green earth, a single grain of sand in a vast expanding desert. and all the while we continue to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk about what the problem is very few truly put word to action and even then nothing really changes because we are all to scared to change and that goes for all around the world. everyone is to batshit crazy about money and in a world of sheep run by a few wolves nobody wants to uproot their comfortable way of life to fix the new world by destroying the old one. all because of money, power and fear. even now when the old world is on fire people rushing to protect what is "theirs" not being able to see the root cause because those on the top, the true top not the government those above them want to remain in what they think is "power" and want to continue to make money. and by coming out with all this "new and improved" bullshit, from T.V. to food even our water is poisoned but nobody cares because " as long as it's not us" they distract us with technology. now I'm not saying tech is bad but what it is being use for, to draw attention away from the ugly disgusting truth and that is we are all selfish primitive creatures who's only concern is to eat, sleep, sex and live an "easy" life free of struggle. Now tell me in such a F**k up world where we kill each other just because we are different from one another how can I find a purpose to live and raise a family in a world that is dying where the people can care less about anybody but themselves and where there is constant struggle and strife just to find the "little joys in life" while the rest of the time it's indentured servitude so do please I really want to hear your thoughts on this, and what it means to "you" on being human in a world of animals. and this from the point of view from a "something else'' (google, CNN something else)

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