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Postby aim » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:00 pm

Why apologize for your last post? I thought it was informative, and just as intelligent and helpful as all of your posts are, Monty. You not only answered the question I asked you, but you stated, quite affirmatively, that depression was not going to beat you - be proud of that post!!

I'm glad that you know what it feels like to live well, Monty. Keep enjoying it!!!

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Postby Monty » Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:14 am

My sleep problems have started to become so pervasive that I had to go get new sleep meds yesterday.

Tonight is the first night for me taking them, in the hope that they will give me some relief.

I tended to get too wound up if I went on the computer too late. Just delayed my sleep more.

I came in late tonight, but figured that after I took my meds, well the computer was sitting there anyway.

Glad I checked and found that so kind message from you Amy.
Hoping it will help putting me in a good state of mind, to get some rest from the racing thoughts.

Again, thanks.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:13 pm

(((((((((((( Monty ))))))))))))))))

Just to let you know you are being thought of.

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Postby aim » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:09 pm

Monty - did you end up sleeping well at all? I hope so...

My thoughts are, without a doubt, with you!!

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Postby Monty » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:01 am

I just took my pills. Last night I got to sleep ok, but it only lasted an hour or so. I felt awful for the rest of the night. Had to double them tonight. Hopefully that will work. I was told that if they didn't work the first night, increase the 5mg to 10mg the next night, then let it stay at that point for a couple of days before another increase. My pdoc has always been quite aggressive with meds. See my gp on Tuesday to give him a report.

It is fortunate that it is a weekend because I have to be careful of the hangover affect. On weekends, I don't have to get up so early, so I have a little more latitude in the waking up time. There is no idea, until we experiment with the dosages, on how high we will have to go. Also there is the question of whether I take them at 8pm or sometime in between, going as late as 11pm. If I take them too late, I wont be able to get up in the morning.Said that 30mg is not a high dose. Going 5mg raise at a time, every 2 or 3 days, it could be a while till I find some relieve. At least I have some hope for some peace. The thoughts are going around my head way to fast and I am starting to mull things over and over. I know that it is a situation that has to be corrected, soon.

I have been juggling drugs to try to cope with the depression for a long time. Know that there really isnt any quick answer, but still that doesnt stop me from wanting one.

It might take a little more time, even with the increase in the sleep meds tonight. It was a tough day.

No word of a lie, I was on the way to a funeral this afternoon, and was rearended on a freeway. It was a route I often travel, knew that I was going to be at the light for a minute or so. If that happens I usually slip the car into park. I don't know where this girl came from, but she plowed into the back of me. All three of us were wearing seatbelts, but since I have a small car, and there was no give because it was in park, we took quite a jolt. I was talking to my front seat passenger, so was turned to my right and my back took quite a wrenching. My front seat passenger's neck snapped back, and my poor person in the back seat was belted in but also took quite a jolt. She had the least protection, because my front seats are buckets but the back seats arent set up so well.

The car actually isn't too bad but we will all have to go to the doctor next week.

Didn't think about it until later. We were in rush hour, and on the freeway there was a lot of cars whizzing by. The other driver seemed, all too familiar, with the process we had to take. She assured me that the police didn't need to be called. Wondering now if she wasn't impaired. Too late now.

Will keep you all posted. I had to go right to the funeral and felt ok. Afterwards I was finding it difficult to find a position that was comfortable when sitting. I don't want to have to go through the insurance thing, with a back injury. They tend to be very tough to convince to act on something that is so hard to document.

At least we were all ok. Also the accident was clearly her fault, so she has to pay for my deductible. Plus she will have to cover the cost of a rental car while mind is getting fixed.

It could have been a lot worst. Maybe heading to a church turned out in our favor.

Will head to bed and write tomorrow.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:16 am

(((((((((((((((((( Monty ))))))))))))))))))

Very thankful you and yours are all okay. Hoping you don't have back injury from all of it.

Good luck with the meds. New meds are always something i dread, but guess you have to put the faith in your doctor.

Keep me posted on the meds and how you are doing with the pains from the accident.

Take care, please.


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Postby aim » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:41 pm

I second that - so glad you are ok after the accident!!!

Monty, it's so great that you are seeing the positives in the incident and not only the negatives!!! I hope you took note of that yourself - way to gooooo!!!!!!!!

I hope your back is ok, and I'm very sorry it hurts! And you're right... no point in focusing on what could have been, just look forward and keep on looking and reaching, Monty!


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Postby Robvious » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:15 am

My thoughts are with you also, Monty.

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