New to forums. (depressed)

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New to forums. (depressed)

Postby amazing0914 » Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:58 pm

Hello everyone. I am not sure how this works but im going to give it a try. I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago and lately it has been pretty bad. Im not even quite sure how I got to this point. I have been so sad and lonely. Crying about the silliest of things. I think my kids think im nuts. My youngest ripped her book and all I could do is cry. I have no motivation to clean or do anything. I of course have to get up and go about my day. Its just very hard to and its hard not to show emotions in front of my kids. I have no family around and really no friends. My boyfriend thinks its just a joke when I try and talk to him plus he works so much. I don't want to be a burden on him. Im really not sure what to do and I just needed to tell someone anyone really.

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Re: New to forums. (depressed)

Postby Here2help&gethelp » Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:14 am

Hi there,
Depressed mum here too :)
I'll tell you a bit about what I went through that sounds similar to your situation. If you'll bear with me a bit :D
My daughter nearly lost her life to a staph infection at birth, I felt totally powerless and my depression became major and I started being anxious, I didn't want to take antidepressants as I believed they changed who I was. I progressively went down hill, from a little bad but able to function properly to unable to do the most basic things. My children are my world and I thought trying to be the perfect mum meant being there for their every need, protecting them to the point I could ensure they never suffered as I did (I was raped multiple times as a child). They've always been important but I didn't see myself as important. It's impossible to be a perfect mum, but if you treat yourself as a priority they're learning to treat themselves as a priority, this is not easy when you're in a bad place, but I wish I had known just how much of an impact on my children it was to not value myself. Sorry, I feel like I'm not explaining this well :lol: I cant think of the proper saying but it's something like , you cannot share if your cup is empty :? Something like that.
My partner was also unsupportive.
I tell you all this because I implore you to take action now before the depression has a chance to get worse. You can fight it, the sooner the better. A psychiatrist will be able to help with meditationo (i do not recommend a gp, they just don't know what they're doing in regards to depression). You might have already been prescribed something !? I dunno but a second opinion is really really vital. A psychologist may be able to help with talking about stuff. This may be a scary prospect , seeking help, but it's important to look after yourself. Depression makes you feel like no-one cares and all that but it's simply not true. Medication has helped me a lot but it's not the answer for everyone don't get me wrong. Theirs naturopathy, there are other options as well, it's a matter of finding what works for you. I just hope you see that you are worth it and things will get better. I hope I have been of some help to you.
Wishing you well

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Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 2:11 pm

Re: New to forums. (depressed)

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:40 am

Hi there and welcome to the forums. Well Done for making the first step talking to us.

How your feeling right now is common and has alot to do with depression. By you noticing that is a good thing. Have you been to see a doctor? Are you getting any help?

I know it's tricky to turn to someone when things get emotional but remember your not on your own. The hardest thing to do is to reach out and talk to someone at your lowest.

I would try therapy. Sounds like you need someone you can relate to right now and give you advice. What so you think about that?

Anything you feel you need to talk to someone or just get away please come here and we will be there for you. You have done really well so far. Well Done :)

Posts: 260
Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 2:11 pm

Re: New to forums. (depressed)

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:44 am

I also agree with the above person who said about seeing a therapist. I think you can't lose anything right now and it can only make things a little better.

I do think you need someone apart from your husband and to give you that support you need. I don't know if medication is a good thing or not bit that's something aswell to explore.

You shouldn't have to go through this on your own. Someone else here knows exactly what your going through and others will too.

Please speak to someone.

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