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New Member - Depression and Anxiety

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:18 am
by VeeEve

I am a new member, and I am dealing with depression and anxiety due to a previous toxic relationship and a lack of emotional connection in my life. I posted a longer description in a different forum on this website, and would love for someone's guidance. Anyone really. I have no one to talk to in my life. Thank you all so much in advance.

New friend,

Re: New Member - Depression and Anxiety

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:58 am
by TheErickDaniel
If you had a chance to get a strong emotional connection within yourself, would you? I want to show you how, text me +1 714-886-6581, I want to listen more in depth what's going on

Re: New Member - Depression and Anxiety

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:12 pm
by Justyaaveraggurl
I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Have you ever heard of CODA- Co Dependents anonymous. It's a 12 step program that teaches us how to develop healthy relationships in our life. They will provide you a safe place to share and receive support to break the cycle of destructive relationships. You can find them here. You are in my thoughts