About Me~

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About Me~

Postby XxRebelAngelxX » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:24 pm

( My story is on the "Your Story" page)

I have depression and ADHD.
I've been taking meds for depression since I was eight, and my depression had gotten way, WAY worse than it was back then.
My style in music and clothing has progressively changed since my depression started.
I have the strong urge to hurt myself (never have), I cry all the time, I'm bullied, I'm sexually harassed, most of my friends have left me, and amongst other things-
- I've lost tons of weight when I'm not trying to diet and I barely do anything
- Insomnia
- I can only make myself happy momentarily
- I have a very hard time concentrating in school (I make decent grades)

All I do is give, and give, and give, just like my mom does. I would never hurt anyone, and even if someone who bullies needed serious help I would help them.
I guess that doesn't help my situation

All I want to do is be happy

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Joined: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:13 pm

Postby ThePolisher » Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:51 am

Hello. Welcome to the forum.

Happiness. Seems such an alien concept and I wonder what it's like to be happy like others. Is there a way? I don't know.

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:58 am

Hey Polisher,

Your manners are really good.

If you wanted some feed back I would tell you to be to be more open and specific.

The forum makes the context of your post evident. I'm not sure if it is second nature for people to look at someones other posts before replying.

To my suspicious mind your post:

Hello. Welcome to the forum.

Happiness. Seems such an alien concept and I wonder what it's like to be happy like others. Is there a way? I don't know.

Reads like you are fishing. But if we change it to read:

Hello. I'm new here too. Welcome to the forum.

Happiness. Seems such an alien concept and I wonder what it's like to be happy like others. Is there a way? I don't know.

It rings a little truer because of the extra detail. What I am sharing with you is that my suspicious radar went off ... which has nothing to do with who you REALLY are ... but may be good information for you to take into account.

Welcome to the forums Polisher!!!

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Re: About Me~

Postby SkaterDrew » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:49 pm

XxRebelAngelxX wrote:
All I want to do is be happy

Just like what i needed or want most to be, just be happy,. But somehow the word happy for me is kinda absurd :(

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:33 pm

Hey there XxRebelAngelxX. It's great to meet you and welcome to the forums.

I like your name. You say that all you do is give and that you would help even someone who bullies. To me you sound like a very beautiful person for being that way. The world NEEDS more people like you. I hope someday you do find that happiness you deserve.
love and hugs

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Postby CrazyKiss » Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:18 pm

Hi RebelAngel, it's CrazyKiss here. Your not on ur own with what ur experiencing right now. I think alot of people can relate to what ur going through. You seem to want to do good every time and not do bad which isn't a problem but as u said about those people treating u unfairly is giving them a greater chance in taking advantage of u and I know deep down u dont wanna stand for it.

I do think u could do with someone to talk to and who could possibly help with ur situation in giving u a big more confidence to stand up and be asserative when u know something isn't right. There maybe people who could help with this like a doctor, counseller, physiologist or a support team. Depends what u think will be the best action to take.

I dont think u should carry on the way u are. They do say the nice guys finish last and in ur case u are so it makes sense if u could get some support for this as u can't go through this on ur own. The more confident u get the better the situation at school will be. I'm glad ur not falling behind with ur grades but u said this is getting to u so maybe the time is right todo something .

Can imagine that the teachers Havent be helpful in trying to sort out the situation and knowing nothing has changed has made u more determined to go out there and reach out to someone who would be able to help.

You just have to make the first step in admiting ur problems realising urself this has gone through long enough and this is the only way.

I hope u can try this and not give up. You deserve respect and kindness from others and that's it.

Keep reaching out on here x

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