
Introductions and welcomes.

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Postby Lostintime » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:00 pm

I am a new member. A bit lost and alone, my need to make contact and understand what is going on with me has led me here.

I am a 37 year old mum of two. Outwardly I have the perfect life but it's all pretty dark and hopeless on the inside. After 18 years of struggling with my "selfish, drama-queen" character (words used to describe me when I was a teen) and an increasingly ugly alcohol problem it has finally occurred to me that I am indeed dangerously depressed and have been for years. It hit when puberty did and because I was quite a wild child I learnt to self medicate with alcohol, which became a bigger problem in a way. I sobered up, believing that would fix me and it did for a bit. That was difficult enough but then a fresh and powerful wave of bleakness hit me completely out of the blue and I realised that the alcohol was a symptom not a cause and I'm facing a much bigger animal than I anticipated. Without the fog of substance the depression is almost unbearable. I feel totally disconnected most of the time, worthless and irritated by everything. I made some very bad choices and ended up wrecking the car, which has left me totally ashamed and, well, just broken and out of options.
At the moment, I am paralysed by the smallest thing; the thought of getting my kids to school makes me almost sick with anxiety. I am exhausted but cannot sleep and until quite recently have been plagued by suicidal thoughts. I didn't want to post while they were still going on but reading stories about others has helped me put some distance between myself and these thoughts. It is clear to me that I cannot fight this on my own.
So, I'm booked in to see my doctor next week and will request an anti-depressant course. My husband is totally against this saying that it will change my character and all I need is some daylight and exercise. To be honest, any change would be better than this. I was prescribed Amitriptyline a few years ago after my dad died and I couldn't stop the anxiety. But I got the feeling the doc just wanted a quick fix and didn't really listen. I am tripped up a lot by the stigma and shame of mental health particularly since alcohol has played a part in the issue. I know it's as daft as being ashamed of a broken ankle but years of conditioning die hard. It doesn't help that my husband agrees with this and thinks I should keep it under wraps. I have been very unwell for almost two decades now and I simply have to do something because nothing else has worked. For the first time in ages I feel a tiny glimmer of hope.
If anyone could let me know of a good medication to request I would be grateful. The amitriptyline didn't do a blind bit of good. I was prescribed Xanax when I was abroad which was incredibly effective for panic attacks but the doctor got quite annoyed when I asked for it over here. Made me feel like a drug addict trying to score, which was not true!
Sorry about the huge long post. I do blather on. But I'm a bit all over the place this morning.

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:01 pm
Location: UK

Going downhill now

Postby Lostintime » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:26 am

I suppose this is a bit of a cry in the dark. My first post made me feel better; reading the blogs made me feel connected. But now I suddenly feel exposed and absolutley lost in fear abd misery again. it came like a tidal wave just as I was feeling really positive about getting help. Why is it that my brain can't just function properly? The day is now stretching out ahead of me; I've had no sleep. I can't see how I can get through it. My husband is distant and reproachful (can't blame him; I wouldn't like to be married to me). To be honest, I see no point in anything any more. There is self pity here which is never pretty but I just don't know hoe to get through today let alone a week to the doctors appt and the the 3 weeks of waiting to see if the meds work or not. I am losing faith fast.

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Postby Ieris » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:50 am

Hello Lostintime,

Thank you for sharing your story.

I agree with you that alcohol is not a cause, perhaps it is your way to escape from it all but what are you escaping from?

I am glad to hear that after 18 years you have gone to the doctors for help, but don't expect medication to take all your problems away. Usually they will refer you to counselling aswell so you can talk about your issues and figure out the root cause of all of this.

Try not to stress yourself out in finding answers, let the doctors help you with that. It will take some time to unravel 18 years of darkness but eventually you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. What you can do along the side is take care of your health, start a healthy routine - exercise and eating healthy which could lead to better sleep and feeling more refreshed in the mornings.
I went to a nutritionist and found that I was lacking in many minerals and vitamins, I got recommended some supplements and now I sleep very well and have more energy during the day.
Try to fill your day with things that you want to do so you have something to look forward to, I know you have kids and a husband but that doesn't mean you can't do the things you want to do.

I hope things work out, don't give up! x

PS. We got some good weather coming our way, do get out more and get some vitamin D!

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:01 pm
Location: UK

Postby Lostintime » Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:22 am

Thanks for the reply. I don't know what I am escaping from. I wish I knew. In fact, I don't think it is escape anymore. I think it has become a form of self harming and a path to oblivion. I have to deal with the alcohol fallout instead of the void that I cannot comprehend. Also, those around me get to see what I hate about myself and get to hate me too. Confirmation of my worthlessness? I try to explain to my husband what is going on with me but it sounds so pathetic and only makes me realise that I don't know or understand anything. I spent a long time wondering if there was a cause for this, even considering repressed memories etc. but there's nothing.

I am aware that medication is not a cure all; for me it's more of a realisation that this problem is bigger than a drinking problem and if they have an effect at all, it will alleviate some of the intense feelings of hatred I have toward myself. I am hoping they put me on an even keel so that I can at least start sorting this out rather than just responding. I have been to counselling before and realised that I am very good at convincing someone that I am totally normal. Likewise, I am terrified that medication will have no effect and that will mean I am just a no-good waste of space after all. Does depression have this self-loathing effect on people suffering from it or is that just me?

I understand and appreciate your recommendations for light and exercise etc. My husband recommends the same. At the moment, to recommend a ten-minute stroll is much the same as recommending a quick dash up Mt Everest for me! But I will try.

Sorry, this is a stupidly long response! Thanks again for your reply. X

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