I need help in more ways than one

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I need help in more ways than one

Postby BlairBishop » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:49 am

Ive made the biggest mistake I ever could. My wife and I split up back in Nov and when I got home I was trying to get back with her but I could only hear her saying that she didnt want me. Almost forgot I suffer from depression and like an idiot I stopped taking my meds cold turkey and my mind went crazy. I said alot of things that I never ment and would have never followed thru with. The worst being that i threatened her and her kids. I hate myself and am so ashamed for that. She forgave me and we got back together but she had to go home because she missed her kids. Well her family doesnt want anything to do with me and I understand but they refuse to hear my side and my appoligy and my wife decided that its over. Once again I didn think before I acted and I hurt myself by self harming. I have always done this when the emotional pain was so bad needed physical pain to keep me from taking my life. Im so sorry for everything but I cant get past not wanting to live without her. I need help with my issues and help with letting her know how much I regret my actions and that Im truely sorry. That I love her and that she is my life. Please help me Im so lost

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Postby dd-va » Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:22 am

So sorry to hear of your pain. Try to keep the lines of communication open with your wife. Straighten yourself out and show her that you are ready and willing to change your ways. It may take some time for her, but it is worth trying on your part. I encourage you to seek help for the feelings you are having. I wish you the best and hope that things improve for you. *hugs*

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Postby KAI04 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:01 pm

i know how you feel..i have self harmed before and though it gives relief it never last for long..i am so sorry to hear about your wife and am currently in the process of completely breaking up with the love of my life for good and though i am not saying your situation is the same or that you and your wife won't get back together i just thought i'd let you know i understand how hard it is to loose the love of your life and your not alone.. i really hope the best for the two of you

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