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Postby aim » Thu May 14, 2009 9:02 am

(((Aureila)))) thanks so much for your kind words! I do enjoy coming on these forums, and it's nice to know that I have the opportunity to touch a few folks... gold star - yah!!! :-)

I will have to look back on my March 25 post and see what it was... why does March seem so far away to me??? I will respond about that as soon as find it and re-read it. But thanks to YOU for reading it as well.

Yes, some of the subject matter on here is very heavy... (PS-I still use that word) and it is sad to read, but I do remember a time when I was in that place as well. After I had a nervous breakdwon and went into a deep clinical depression... ah yes, I remember it well. Like I've said before, my issue at this point is health anxiety and GAD, and I am extremely fortunate that I have not fallen into depression again, so it does help me to be in contact with others suffering from it, and other illnesses. We can all be ok; I truly believe that. And with the help and support on these forums and in the chat room connected to this site, ok is not that far away for many. :-)

It's been so wonderful to meet you and the others on the forum, and I truly feel that we've all developed a special bond to each other on here. Keep talking, Aureila and all... I look forward to reading posts!

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you better make it stick

Postby xn728 » Thu May 14, 2009 3:57 pm

you better stick at it amy because ,you told me i have to ,dont ever let me down .there will be a bloody great crash in your back yard ,and you,ll find me and my fighter jet sat there ,if you do ,,lol ,,,,,,xn728 KEN
ps you keep talking about another amy and im getting rather confused

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Postby aim » Fri May 15, 2009 4:38 pm

Ken - there is another amy on here, but it seems that she just posted that one time in that one thread. I'm the Amy who lives in America, but I love the UK - my boyfriend is from there... so who knows? Perhaps I'll be re-locating at some point. :-)

How amazing would that be to wake up to a fighter jet in my backyard??? My dog would go nuts!!! lol

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It isn't easy being green

Postby Monty » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:57 pm


Didn't know where to post something of my own (I am usually replying to others) so thought that I would go back to the beginning.

I haven't been doing very well lately. In May I had two very deep, episodes with the depression. It hadn't hit me that hard for quite a while so I was surprised when it came back. Fortunately neither episode lasted very long, but it really scared me.

After the depression difficulties I was hit with physical issues. I think that I have mentioned before that I was in the hospital in the middle of May because my blood pressure and oxygen levels were so low. I was sick and having trouble breathing. I had pneumonia before and my chest felt like that.

It turned out that they thought that I had experienced a heart attack. They did two blood tests (6 hours apart) and there was no evidence that one had happened. They were somewhat buffaloed as to why my blood pressure was so low.

I had been on high blood pressure pills for a long time. Of course I stopped them at the time. Went to my gp this morning and, in spite of stopping the pills, my blood pressure is still very low. I am supposed to go and see him in a couple of weeks, or so, and get things checked again.They think that it might be hypertension. Must admit that it kind of scares me. Now that they don't think that I having heart attacks I just kind of suck it up, and put up with the, almost continual pains in my chest.

Then last week my chronic insomnia was depriving me of so much sleep that my pdoc changed my sleep meds. I took the first one Thursday night, and have been feeling sick since then. It is kind of like when I was pregnant (that was 25 years ago, so "that" isn't the problem) the nausea just comes in waves.

It has been tough to deal with life since then. Even the smell of food makes me sick. Monday night I made supper, then had to go to my room, and close the door otherwise I think I might have hurled.

My gp and pharmacist told me this morning, that I should try to give the Trazadone at least a month. The side affects are lessening but I still spend a lot of the day, just wishing that I was in bed. That usually isn't an option but I guess that maybe I had better try that solution.

I did manage to get out of bed this morning for a 7:30 dentist appointment (thought that I was going to need a crown, but a filling sufficed). It ended up costing me $225 instead of $1300 for the crown. I couldn't stay up, even though my gp appointment was at 9:50. Just went to bed, set the alarm clock, and somehow managed to get the two appointments taken care of this morning.

The smell of food just makes me turn a peculiar shade of green. It seems to work best if I just don't eat at all. Most days I have eaten very little, but it turns out that one of the few things that stay down, comfortablely is junkfood, which is causing my weight to soar.

I should check the Canada Food Guide to see just what the nutritional value to my system, chips, dip and coke are. They are the only one that stay down, but obviously, since I am a diabetic I should be taking better care of my health.

Like I said earlier, I am feeling better today but I still just want to curl up in bed, watch tv and maybe sleep some. I will keep on with the Trazadone and see if the side affects clear themselves up.

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Postby aim » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:48 pm

(((((Monty))))) I'm sorry you are not feeling well!! And I guess saying not feeling well is sort of an understatement, huh? Are you going to keep taking these meds even though they make you sick? Keep us updated, ok?

I don't really know what is done for low blood pressure... it's usually high that people suffer from! You're tough though, girl. You'll make it through to the end. I know you will.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:59 pm

Hi Amy
Sorry I've sort of disappeared, been very depressed and in horrible pain.

As per your, and other wise people's advice, I wrote a letter on Word and now I'm trying to put it here, but I can't figure out how to do it. I've gotten as far as copying it, but I don't know how to move it. Can you help me out?

I hope you're doing well. It's always so nice to open this site and see you there.



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Postby aim » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:01 pm

((((a5)))) When you write the letter in word, highlight it, and press Ctrl and C at the same time, then minimize the screen. Come to the forums, and press Ctrl and V at the same time, and the words should pop up.

Sorry you have been so down, my friend. Glad to see you back again.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:15 pm

Actually it's Works that I have, but it didn't work. I highlighted it on the list of other things there and hit control c at the same time, nothing happened, and my screen is already minimised - you mean the little square up there in the right hand corner, right? I hit c-v and nothing happened. I am so frustrated.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:22 pm


You poor thing. I’m sorry I haven’t written, I’ve been in sort of the same shape you’re in. Did you ever ask your doc about Compazine? It really gets rid of nausea beautifully. I would venture a guess why the junk food goes down easily. For some odd reason, sugar, in the form of a soft drink, will lessen nausea. They even sell cola syrup, but I think it’s better to stick with gingerale. Not the sugar-free, obviously. Ginger is very good for the stomach, and you can get candied ginger in the spice department of a big store. It tastes good, maybe a tad strong, but it’s worth a try. I don’t know if I told you, but I was hospitalized in the fourth grade with ulcers. My stomach is still weak and I’d be lost without Compazine. Also, avoid acidic foods: citrus, tomatoes, chocolate is hard on the stomach too. Also avoid deep-fried foods.

Did you get the symptoms of a heart attack? Chest pain, pain in the left arm, sweating etc? How is it they first thought you were having one, and then changed their minds? That is horrifying.

Lucky you about your tooth. My husband has two broken teeth and I have one with a temporary crown on it, because, as you pointed out, they are over a thousand dollars. Dentists don’t take payments, so we have to wait until Brad gets a couple of frame jobs that are profitable. He only does the very fine ones now, because it is such hard physical work.

Speaking of pain, he was no longer getting any relief from the oxycodone, which he was up to 175mg a day, and his cancer doc gave him a 75mcg - microgram, mind you, not milligram- Fentanyl patch. It’s like the difference between night and day. He says he feels fine now, meaning he only hurts like anyone with rheumatoid arthritis would, instead of being devastated by stabbing pains all over his body all the time. I am much happier. I think I am taking on a lot of his pain - sympathetic pain, because I hurt where he does, in amazingly similar ways. My doctors are constantly trying to get me to relax, which is hard for me. I’m a really high strung, constantly worried, freaked out mess. But when I try one of the yoga relaxation techniques my mother taught me, if I can lie still long enough, I actually feel less of my body pain.

But that only lasts until I think of what we face in the future. Basically I have no future. I had a hearing with a judge three weeks ago for Social Security Disability, and it should be approved. If it goes anything like what I’ve heard so many other people say, once you get to the hearing stage, they pretty much let you have it. If not, the step after that is a civil suit. We don’t even have enough money to go out to dinner, much less giving thousands to a lawyer. If I get approved, we can live meagerly, but if I end up living alone, I won’t have enough money to have an apartment. I’ll have to live in a room with other people in the house. I can’t imagine that. I would really rather not even be here.

I hope you start handling the side effects of the Trazadone better. When I was on those, my doc said it usually took about three weeks to get used to them, and indeed, it was about that long before they went away.

Hope to hear from you soon,


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Postby Aurelia5 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:28 pm

Well, I got part of it right. Now how do I get rid of all those extras?

This computer and I should be a comedy team.


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Postby aim » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:08 am

oh a! You are so funny!! Just do it once, and you should not have that problem. Highlight it once, copy it once, and paste it once. Good luck!!!

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:58 pm

Hi Amy
The first couple of times I tried it nothing happened. Maybe it's just slow and I need to wait longer.

Thank you for your help.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:03 pm

Hi A5

I fixed it for you.


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Postby aim » Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:32 pm

Speaking of teeth... I had one permanent (and I use that term lightly) crown fall out and disappear... then the post fell out, now I have a huge gaping hole in the back of my mouth! Then, the temporary crown the dentist put in also fell out! I know I grind my teeth at night, but this is getting ridiculous! I would look for a new dentist, but I've been going to this guy since I was about 10 years old, and he takes what my insurance pays and does not ask for any money from me. Dilemma!

I also keep asking myself... where in God's name did that crown go???

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:31 pm

Sounds to me like you swallowed it. There it goes, right through you, just like a marble, or look around in your bed, maybe it got loose while you were asleep.

But hey, if you've got a doc that doesn't ask for more money than the insurance pays, you are incredibly lucky. I'd stick with him, unless you are financially stable and can afford to find another one. When my crowns fall out, (I have something like 11 of them), it's always Friday night or a long weekend or something, plus my dentist is in another city an hour away - I've been with him for ever and he's realllllly good. So if a crown comes out I just do what he does til I can get to him, and that is I brush the stump and the crown really well, then do it again with Listerine, spit out the Listerine, but don't rinse, and dry it with kleenex, then DON'T let it get wet and glue the crown back on with super glue. They use super glue in surgery for glueing skin and all sorts of other things back together, so it is perfectly safe. Just don't glue your tongue to your cheek!!! That always works.


Thank you once again for fixing my mess.


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