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new too

Postby Helen » Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:21 pm

Outwardly I have nothing to be depressed about but I am a mess. I have had depression on and off for 38 years, since my first pregnancy but only really diagnosed about 5 years ago when that same daughter was the one to pick up on the fact that I needed help. I have been on antidepressants since then with some success, but since I began seeing my psychiatrist this yearI have been tapering off these, preparatory to going on some better ones. I have several [too many to list] physical health problems, most notably fibromyalgia, TMJ, chronic sinusitis and chronic migraines. The medication for these interacts with the antidepressants hence the change. I am on 20 different medications and my psychiatrist is trying to see if he can rationalise these.

I have just begun seeing a psychologist to help with pain management. This was under control until an injury [cause unknown] to both knees three years ago stopped my usual practice of walking for half an hour twice a week plus square dancing once a week. My life has gone off the rails in a big way since then, especially as other factors have made it one of the most stressful periods of our lives. I am seeing a physiotherapist about my knees but it all takes time.

This is the short version of my tale. I am tempted to be suicidal at times but have a beautiful 7 year old granddaughter and a gorgeous 4 year old grandson and do not want to be a bad role model to them. That is sometimes all that keeps me here. I have a husband of 40 years who [u]tries[/u] to be supportive but at times its like being married to a brick wall or a block of wood. :roll:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:48 pm

((((((((((( Helen )))))))))))

Hi and Welcome, pleased you found the site and I hope you will continue with the posting. There are wonderful chatters here, and you will be surprised how much we all relate to feelings, emotions and life.

If you are up to it, there is a chat room attached to this site, lots of great people there as well.

Glad you are seeking professional help. Had to laugh at your comment about your husband.
tries to be supportive but at times its like being married to a brick wall or a block of wood.

See the love there from you! And the grandchildren sound as if they are 'good medicine' for you. Glad you have them.

Hope to hear from you again.


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Postby Mich » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:18 am

Welcome Helen - this is a fabulous site. I have met many warm and caring people here and I know you will get to know them too.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:50 am

(((((((((((( Helen ))))))))))))))

Just checking in with you, see how you are doing and to send you a warm hug for the start of the day.

Hope all is well with you.


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