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New guy

Postby lablover » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:26 pm

Hi, I'm a fifty-something male who was hospitalized last week for depression. I was thinking about suicide and my best friend talked me into going to the hospital. I'm really glad he did. The Dr. told me that my depression should be controllable, and it is better, but I'm still really jittery and not able to work yet. I'm hoping this gets better.

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Postby Misty » Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:54 pm

You obviously have a very good friend. Glad you found this forum and you can always write your thoughts out that you may think of during the day or night.

Welcome and Take Care,

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Postby lablover » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:23 pm

I'm blessed with good friends. They say that anyone who has more than two friends that they can call at any time is blessed. I have at least 5 friends that I can call upon whenever I need them. Then there is my lab, who treats me like a king.

Today, I'm finally feeling a little bit like myself. I had already asked my employer to let me go part time, which doesn't appear as though it's going to happen, so I'll be job hunting, but at this time I think I'll be able to handle it.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:46 pm

Hi there & welcome! : )

Feel free to take a look around in the different sections!

Take care,

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Postby aim » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:27 pm

Hi Lablover! And welcome to the DU forums!!!

Glad for you that you have a friend like that. Thank God, huh?

Sounds like you like dogs... especially labs, huh? I have a Siberian Husky who makes me crazy but life without her is not an option.

Welcome again!!!!!!!! Great people here.

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Postby lablover » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:45 pm

Thanks, yep, my lab brings me a lot of pleasure, as does my family. I'm afraid I'm bringing my family more pain than joy right now. I haven't been able to do my job. I asked for a part time position, but it doesn't look promising. This is the scariest experience I've ever had.

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Postby Monty » Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:46 pm


Glad that you have a friend that you were able to go to, when you were going through such a tough time.

It sure helps a lot to have a pet.

I had a dog (who is now with my kid's dad) who saved my life. Isn't an exaggeration. I had pretty well given up on life. Didn't get out of bed. Then I got this dog, that needed to be walked several times a day.

She turned it around for me.

Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Hope that the job situation sorts itself out soon.

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Postby aim » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:04 pm

Hey again, lablover. Hey Monty Girl. Animals are a God send really. I had the same life saving experience with my Dakota. Gives you a reason to move.

Lablover, depression is frightening, I agree. You feel this way and you don't know why. You feel this way and you don't know how to make it stop. I hope you seek professional help. Sometimes it's a chemical imbalance. I have one. My issue is anxiety and I went on medication, and although I am not, "cured," I can function normally in society.

I'm sure you've been a wonderful supporter of your family for a long time, lablover. With the help of you explaining things, possibly internet explanations of what depression is what it does to a person, and maybe some family/couples counseling things will be fine.

I'm sure a good person, lablover. Don't ever doubt that. Depression is NOT a weakness or a personality flaw. It is a REAL illness that requires medical attention.

Have you spoken to your spouse about it?

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Postby shatteredhopes » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:13 pm

Hi welcome to the forum! I have found much support here to cope with day to day living with depression and I'm sure you will too...

So glad your friend talked you into going in the there a way you can go on short-term disability with your job if part-time is not an option, just to take a little break while you start treatment? Sometimes employers have short-term disability insurance/benefits...better that then getting overstressed and not being able to work at all for a long time...then maybe after that part-time might be more of an option to ease back in...i dunno your situation, but long long time ago after my first hospitalization I was able to take a month or so off on short-term disability and it was a much necessary break, and doubt I would have continued to work for so many years if I hadn't had that brief breather...

You neglected to tell us one important fact: is your dog a golden, black, or chocolate lab? lol just trying to picture in my mind. labs are great dogs. I know when I had my dogs and a cat, I didn't have the suicidal ideation that I have now, they showed so much unconditional love, I had to get out of bed to care for them, and knew they were older and not placeable so if anything happened to me they might be euthanized, so I kept going for them...pets are so therapeutic sometimes.

Anyway, look forward to you posting more...we are here for you and listening...

Wishing you peace and light in your day...

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Postby lablover » Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:26 am

Thanks, folks, my little girl is a chocolate lab who gives unconcitional love.

My family has been very involved and very supportive. My wife got a little panicked yesterday because she couldn't reach me by phone or email. We sat together and played with the dog last night. I'm taking more medecine than I knew existed and going to counseling. Thursday night my wife and I will be attending a depression support group together.

I appreciate the supportive responses and welcomes.

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Postby Mich » Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:49 pm

Welcome lablover - it sounds like you have a great support system in your wife and friends. That's really great and so important. I am glad your friend talked you into simply must go there if you are about to harm yourself.
My dog is so special to me as well and has been a real comfort during my worst days.

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Postby aim » Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:18 pm

You and your wife could be the poster couple for depression! That is soooo wonderful, lablover!! It sounds like your wife loves you very much and only wants you well so you can be happy again. God blessed you with her, lablover. So glad to hear that you have that type of support. And also glad that your wonderful wife is taking it upon herself to take care of herself.

You two sound like a great couple... so glad to hear that.

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Postby lablover » Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:26 am

I agree that I am blessed with a wonderful wife. I have, however, placed her under a great deal of stress. Apparently I haven't been communicating with her very well. She has agreed not to hurt me as long as I email her a few times during the day to let her know I'm alright. I can do that.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:51 am

Welcome to the forum! I am confident that you'll find it as helpful, as I really have.
I'm not an expert by any means, but, I can say from my own experience that things can get better. I was off work with anxiety and depression for five months and I was able to gradually start to manage my anxiety and depression at least to the point of being able to return to work full time. ( At least until I was daft enough enough to slip on the ice! But, that's a different story. Sigh! )
As Confucious once said, it's not a question of how many times we fall, but how many times we get up. ( If you haven't checked out Warmsoul's Corner yet, I recomend that you do! )
Welcome aboard!

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Postby lablover » Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:54 pm

Thanks for the kind words Tackingintothewind and everyone else. Just got back from a dr. appt. the meds are helping and the doc expects them to help more with time.

Monetary stress will be a factor. I was working two jobs, which contributed to the depression. When you don't make time for yourself and your family you are asking for it. Unfortunately, the higher paying of the two jobs is the one that has to go. It was a full time job, and while the other is "part time" it is my calling and passion.

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