Hello, I am also new here

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Hello, I am also new here

Postby petros » Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:27 am

Hi, my name is Peter. I have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off for a long time, until I couldn't hold down my job and had to go on Social Security disability, and now I am in one whale of a depression, having lost interest in many things I enjoyed, and just wanting to sleep much of the time. I see a therapist, am on an antidepressant, and try to be as positive as I can, but sometimes that is asking for too much. I feel for everyone on this forum, and at least it feels not so lonely to be among others who suffer from depression and anxiety as well. Well I'll keep this short for now, but I am looking forward to chatting with others and being of any help I can for them as well. Trying to look up, :)

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Re: Hello, I am also new here

Postby TheErickDaniel » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:07 pm

Hey Petros, seems like you need a good life coach instead of a therapist. A therapist will only make you feel good, a coach holds you accountable and pushes you forwards.

Text me, I'd like to know whats blocking you +1 714-886-6581

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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:23 am

Re: Hello, I am also new here

Postby petros » Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:04 am

TheErickDaniel wrote:Hey Petros, seems like you need a good life coach instead of a therapist. A therapist will only make you feel good, a coach holds you accountable and pushes you forwards.

Text me, I'd like to know whats blocking you +1 714-886-6581


Erick, I appreciate your concern, but for starters I just want to try to chat and get to feeling connected right now on this forum; frankly I feel you are being too pushy and judgmental, too soon. That is why I haven't responded in so long.

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Re: Hello, I am also new here

Postby Here2help&gethelp » Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:53 am

Hi Peter,
I'm seeing a therapist her advice is "etc a job" :D :roll: "feeling depressed ?, get a job" "anxiety? , get a job" :roll: She makes it seem like getting employed is the cure for anything that ails you , so frustrating. She's saying getting a job will improve your confidence, it'll give you independence. Seriously?! Dah, I didn't know that (sarcasm), it's a matter of feeling and being capable of doing the job . Be brilliant if I could just turn a switch and not a problem, unfortunately not that easy. It's so frustrating when people don't understand or even try.

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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:23 am

Re: Hello, I am also new here

Postby petros » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:38 pm

Here2help&gethelp wrote:Hi Peter,
I'm seeing a therapist her advice is "etc a job" :D :roll: "feeling depressed ?, get a job" "anxiety? , get a job" :roll: She makes it seem like getting employed is the cure for anything that ails you , so frustrating. She's saying getting a job will improve your confidence, it'll give you independence. Seriously?! Dah, I didn't know that (sarcasm), it's a matter of feeling and being capable of doing the job . Be brilliant if I could just turn a switch and not a problem, unfortunately not that easy. It's so frustrating when people don't understand or even try.

Your therapist doesn't seem to realize that being able to carry on with a job without missing too many days due to being too depressed to even get out of bed let alone fulfill the demands of a job is precisely the problem with major depression. I had a therapist like that too once. They can go jump in the lake with their lack of understanding. I so empathize with your post. Thank you for your input.

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