Hello, Recovering from Depression & Willing to Listen

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Hello, Recovering from Depression & Willing to Listen

Postby RileyRainbowLeaf » Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:57 am

Hi! My name is Riley. I've had depression my whole life, and was unable to put it into words so no one understood until I was a teenager and tried to commit suicide. I've been on SSRIs for 6 years now and am planning on getting off of them soon because my seratonin has balanced out.

I have also suffered from anxiety my whole life, which my citalopram (anti-anxiety/depression medication) has helped with, but I am still plagued with anxiety.

I am mostly happy all the time, but am easily triggered into depression and suicidal thoughts when I see someone being mean. I don't know why, but the littlest remark can send me spiraling into wanting to die, even if it's not directed at me. That is the one part of depression that I can't shake. I have to force myself not to look at a lot of things on the internet because I know that comments will upset me, but often things will pop up where I don't expect it. The last several days have been especially bothersome.

I love making friends and talking to people, especially when they need someone to listen. I have very little self-esteem, so any time I help people in any way, I feel like I've done something kind of worthwhile.

My greatest gift (which usually seems more like a curse) is that I feel what other people are feeling. Other people and their well being matter so much to me. A lot of times people think that I'm just pretending to be interested in them, or I'm faking sympathy. I'm not. Everything about me is painfully real.

If you have a problem, or want to get to know me better, or just have something random to say, feel free to message me. :)

Posts: 2935
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:15 pm

Postby PixieArmy » Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:57 pm

Dear RileyRainbowLeaf,

Welcome to our community. I hope you find support and people to talk here. I recommend you to go over other members post and comment on them so you can start participating :).

Have a nice day,


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