I got a hamster. :)

Open discussion about pets: training tips, stories, etc.

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I got a hamster. :)

Postby Hayzell » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:26 am

He's a syrian who I've named Hedgehog, because he's brown and spikes his fur up. :D

Got him only four days ago - he was the only syrian the shop had and the woman said they'd been struggling to find a home for him because he's super shy, scared of everyone and everything and bites at every opportunity. Actually me and him sounded strangely alike... apart from the biting thing, heh.

I'm up all night anyway so I figured I've got a pretty good chance of bonding with a nocturnal pet and I took him home.

And now I'm wondering why I didn't think to have a little furry friend before now! Over the last few days he's gone from trying to rip his cage and my hands apart to being so calm and loveable. Still got a way to go until he can come out and play without me worried he'll do a runner but the change in him already is so amazing and the change in me too. I guess we both just needed a little love to come out of our shells. :)

Now let's just hope the landlord doesn't come calling anytime soon because I'm not supposed to have pets in the house, haha.

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Postby dd-va » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:02 pm

Hi hayzell! It is amazing how much like us pets are! I feel the same way about my dog, we help each other out through our hard times! Good luck with Hedgehog!!!

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