My dog.

Open discussion about pets: training tips, stories, etc.

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My dog.

Postby imsosad » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:43 pm

I have always had pets, my last dog was a working dog, very well trained. She was so my dog and went with me everywhere. We lost her when she was 14 and having school age kids and missing her, I just didn't want to replace her. After my father in law died, it was so sad to come home. It was like a wet blanket was just waiting to envelope me when I came in the door. My husband started looking on the net, we haunted the shelters and he finally found a puppy on the internet. We decided not to tell the kids, it would be a surprise. She is part sheppard, part border collie and part blue healer. Now that she's full grown, she looks very much like a bearded collie.
We brought her home on a Friday night (2 years ago this weekend!) and the kids were overjoyed. She has been the one constant bright thing in my life. I'm so sorry that I waited so long to get another dog. She waits for me in the bay window, she sleeps with me at night, always there if I'm having a bad time. The morning my Dad passed away, I came home from the hospital and got on the bed to wake my husband and tell him and she crawled up beside and just licked my tears away.
She isn't as well trained as our other dog, she's completely spoiled and she's the best therapy I have. She helps me exercise, she never asks me to "smile" or "cheer up". She's always there.
She's Riley. :)

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Postby hollyann » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:50 pm

Hi. Im so glad you have your dog. Animals can be a wonderful thing.

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Location: Alvin, TX

Postby Blueroses » Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:30 pm

I would be lost without my dog.

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