two main fears

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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two main fears

Postby keluca » Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:24 pm

I have 2 fears but one I can handle (for the kids and the other I can't at all)

The one I can handle is the fear of Thunder and lightening.... I have always (ever since childhood) been terrified of thunder and lightening, if I am on my own I go to pieces in a storm, but if the kids are with me I manage to hold myself together as I don't want them like I am in a storm.

The other one is the fear of people...
I HAVE to take the kids to school so I have no option twice a day to do the 5 min walk to school and back but then I will get home and stay there. I daren't even sit in the garden in case the neighbours come out and speak.

Most of it has come about since being rape/sexually abused over a number of years and then trying to tell a close friend (or I thought she was) but she let me down severely. I dont trust anyone, not the dr, the therapist, most of my family (even though I love them dearly)
I don't even trust myself half the time.

People I have let in have either pushed my feelings aside, walked over me, feared me in case I was mad, or walked away/left me.

so I keep myself to myself and only speak to anyone if I really need to and if possible try to contact them on the phone so I dont physically have to face them

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:20 pm

(((((((((((( keluca ))))))))))))))

I so feel for you. I to have that fear of storms, especially the ones where the lighting lights the sky up like the sun and the thunder shakes the house, or so it seems. My poor cat is the same, but he hides. So YES I know your fear on that. Why, I don't know, just am, and dealing with it alone is pure hell.

I am so sorry you went through all you have. Bad enough you had to live through it, but for a friend to let you down in that manner, my heart breaks for you. ((((( keluca )))))))))

Fear of people, there with you. I will panic at times when alone and have to shop for food or run errands. Been known to just leave things, get in the car and come home. Safely tucked away from it for that time.

Guess what I am trying to say, is keep trying. All you can do. There will be that good day, and will give you added confidence to try again. Try, try, again... as the saying goes.

Thank you for sharing with us, know it wasn't an easy thing, but you did it. WTG!!!!!!!


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Re: two main fears

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:40 am

keluca wrote:I have 2 fears but one I can handle (for the kids and the other I can't at all)

The one I can handle is the fear of Thunder and lightening.... I have always (ever since childhood) been terrified of thunder and lightening, if I am on my own I go to pieces in a storm, but if the kids are with me I manage to hold myself together as I don't want them like I am in a storm.

The other one is the fear of people...
I HAVE to take the kids to school so I have no option twice a day to do the 5 min walk to school and back but then I will get home and stay there. I daren't even sit in the garden in case the neighbours come out and speak.

Most of it has come about since being rape/sexually abused over a number of years and then trying to tell a close friend (or I thought she was) but she let me down severely. I dont trust anyone, not the dr, the therapist, most of my family (even though I love them dearly)
I don't even trust myself half the time.

People I have let in have either pushed my feelings aside, walked over me, feared me in case I was mad, or walked away/left me.

so I keep myself to myself and only speak to anyone if I really need to and if possible try to contact them on the phone so I dont physically have to face them

You have to let people in, and there are people you can trust, like your therapist and your doctor. You can only find a solution when you believe you can find a solution and you confide in the doctor and therapist.

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