im scared of

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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im scared of

Postby sonya1026 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:07 pm

i have a phobia of railroads and trains. but i have my reasons, when i was alittle girl my aunt, her friend and some of my cousins all went somewhere, i dont remember, but anyway. we had to pass the railroad tracks on the street, so her friend was driving and he stopped on the tracks and locked the car doors while a train was coming, and of course i had to be the sitting on the side the train would've hit first. all the kids were screaming and her friend was just laughing, he thought it was so funny, the train was not that far away and the 2 bar things were closing on us. my aunt finally stepped on his shoes to push the gas pedal,then the train went by. i thought i was going to die at that very moment. my aunt didnt even tell my dad what happened and to this day i cry every time my family drives over a railroad track cause it brings back those memories. i have to close my eyes and my parents drive really fast over them,i dont think i can ever forgive her and her friend.

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Postby aim » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:39 pm

My God Sonya!! That is HORRIBLE. What a terrible person to do that to a car full of children! What kind of monster was this person? It totally and 100% makes sense that you are afraid of trains now. Is this a fear that you want to face and get over? If you do, I'm sure a therapist can help you with that. Have you ever tried?

How old are you now?

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Postby sonya1026 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:40 pm

i actually never met this person before, it was my first time meeting him. i have tried to conqure my fear but i just cry and cry. i've asked my mom to take me to a psychologist but she doesnt believe in that stuff. but i want to go to my schools psychologist. i was 13 at the time and i am now 15.

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Postby aim » Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:37 am

Sonya... I am truly sorry that your mother does not believe in psyschologists. And I understand that at your age, your resources are somewhat limited. Do go to your school psychologist who can help you out with this, ok? What happened to you was real and definitely traumatic. But please do try and remember that this person was an IDIOT. Most people in this world would never dream of doing something like that to anyone, never mind a child.

Get any help that you can, Sonya. Have you tried talking to any other family members about it? Your father? Siblings? Grandparents? Anyone who might be able to help you figure everything out? I am not a professional, but it seems to me that your trust in people was shaken by this experience, and that is no way to live. Please let me know when you seek help, ok?


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Postby Monty » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:50 pm

Holy crap, what an experience to endure.

If you are ever looking for a classic example of someone who needs some medical intervention in their lives. The two people that, first of all stopped the car on train tracks, with kids in the car screaming while they are laughing.

Should be at the top of the list getting help.

Sorry that you had to go through that. Must have been very terrifying for you. Certainly would understand why, trains would cause so much consternation for you.


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I'm Scared Of....

Postby Godhelpmeplease! » Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:39 pm

Driving. I just turned 43... :oops:

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:51 am

(((((((((( Godhelpmeplease! ))))))))))))))))) It's alright.....

My godmother is like 60 something & she doesn't drive either. [She had a really bad accident one day & simply never drove again.]

My aunt didn't drive either. It freaked her out.

It's okay. I was pretty afraid myself when I started. I was a basket case to be honest.... & then I had to do it for survival.... & I got it done.... Now I can drive with 1 hand decently enough & avoid most holes on the road. Even my Dad is in awe.... :lol:

It's alright.... You will conquer it in your time.

Just a welcome to you! Start your own thread & tell us what's going on with you!

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Re: im scared of

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:49 am

sonya1026 wrote:i have a phobia of railroads and trains. but i have my reasons, when i was alittle girl my aunt, her friend and some of my cousins all went somewhere, i dont remember, but anyway. we had to pass the railroad tracks on the street, so her friend was driving and he stopped on the tracks and locked the car doors while a train was coming, and of course i had to be the sitting on the side the train would've hit first. all the kids were screaming and her friend was just laughing, he thought it was so funny, the train was not that far away and the 2 bar things were closing on us. my aunt finally stepped on his shoes to push the gas pedal,then the train went by. i thought i was going to die at that very moment. my aunt didnt even tell my dad what happened and to this day i cry every time my family drives over a railroad track cause it brings back those memories. i have to close my eyes and my parents drive really fast over them,i dont think i can ever forgive her and her friend.

Relax i completely doubt that that situation will happen again. Unless the person forces you to undergo the situation again. But can he, and would you ever be in that situation again. I dont think so. Trains are nice i have been on them a few times. They are harmless and the chance of crashing is almost zero. Ive only seen a train crash in movies. Forgive your friends and leave it all in the past. You are grown up and you can make your own choices now.

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Re: im scared of

Postby useranonymous » Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:06 pm

Drowning, fires, explosions and being crushed or trapped under something. I have no idea why

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Re: im scared of

Postby hundal » Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:25 am

What a terrible experience, OMG. Childhood memories might be heard just as readily.

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