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Anxiety has ruined my life

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:38 pm
by Joanna-x
I feel like ever since last year, my anxiety has taken the best of me. I refuse to go out the house anymore unless my mum makes me go to school, but i get fustrated because i can't talk to many people without sweating,blushing and shaking. These are my physical signs but i basically feel useless and fed up with things now. My doctor recently diagnosed me with depression but can't give me any medication because i'm 14. I don't trust anybody and feel tearful all the time, I'm falling apart and need some help |:[/i]


Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:58 pm
by xn728
Joanna-x these sound like the feelings of deppression but living in england as i also do ,,you should be getting a little more help than you are ,,gp,s dont leave patients without proper help even at your age ,,your mum knows about this ,does she ,? are you being bullied or anything at school,,ok ill stop here because were not doctors or anything here ,,,so all i can say at the moment is that we will offer you support if we can ,and there are people on here that have had many differant expeiriances ,,this is a kind caring place and if you feel like posting how you feel ,i hope you
can find some comfort in here ,,try talking to mum pherhaps ,or someone at school ,,this is a big family here and your very welcome ,,i hope you find what your looking for ,,,take care ,,,,hugs xn728

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:33 pm
by Joanna-x
Thank you for your reply,
I am trying to get help at the moment and my mum is trying to help as much as she can, my doctor is trying to help by arranging a place called 'camh's for me to see someone, however, i havent heard from these people yet. I just feel like i need support as i'm not getting much from many of my friends and many of them have left me to deal with my anxiety/depression by myself. Much appreciated your reply, thank you.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:09 am
by crystalgaze
Hi there Joanna! ~waves~ I hope you get the help you need soon!

Just try to do what you can. Go easy on yourself! I used to be just like that!

I still don't talk to people much, even now, especially where I live. My hands will go terribly cold!

Don't worry about what your "friends" do. For now, concentrate on you & all that other stuff can be ironed out later.

Welcome to the forum & I hope you find it helpful to you!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:10 pm
by lisalou
hiya joanna, welcome to this forum, i have a lot of social anxiety too and was also 14 when my depression first got really severe. I'm glad you have found this website cos everyone is really friendly and helpful and I hope we can be of help to you

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:16 pm
by Joanna-x
Thank you for all your replies again, really do appreciate all the help i can get right now.