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who are these new friends

Postby xn728 » Mon May 11, 2009 4:48 pm

i came here 728
Last edited by xn728 on Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Haitch » Thu May 14, 2009 6:00 am

You're an asset. :)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu May 14, 2009 8:02 am

(((((((((((((((( xn )))))))))))))))))))

To know others that deal with life, such as we do, presents us baby steps to hope. Thank you for doing this for everyone, and in return I will be there for you.


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Postby aim » Thu May 14, 2009 9:11 am

(((((Ken)))) Always here for you... even if it's just on these forums - always here to support and help when I can. So glad you are here and sharing your stories and life with us... definitely an, "asset," like Haitch said. :-)

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it was all down to you

Postby xn728 » Thu May 14, 2009 4:35 pm

hi amy ,thank you when i first came in here i was in a strange mood
it was new and confusing ,when i posted and got replys ,something inside wanted to make me walk away ,it was your persistance that kept me here ,and now i shall never leave here no matter how i feel ,so thank you ,again you must be strong to ,we are forming a strong chain made from many links ,and if your link becomes weak then so will mine ,,,,,,,,
,,,KEN xn728,,,,,

hi Warmsoul/Jeanie13 thanks for your kind comment also ,,,,,xn728

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Postby aim » Fri May 15, 2009 4:34 pm

Ah Ken... I'm a pretty relentless person!! :-) Seemed like you wanted to stay but were reluctant as some other sites you've visited have made you that way. THIS site is where all the smart people hang... ;-)

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hi amy not sure were to start

Postby xn728 » Sat May 16, 2009 3:58 pm

hi amy ,i was just trying to think about sharing some more of my life ,just some normal stuff ,im gonna start a new topic but i want to think about it a while ,i dont want it to just drawl on ,ill leave you a little bit here ,im 50 you know that ,for the last 30 years ive been an enginneer ,ive worked on everything .i can repair anything from a lawn mower to an excavator ,i had to give this up when i started to fall apart ,i miss it but the hands shake to much now anyway ,i love working with the animals ,i can talk to them and they understand ,i love my music and fall asleep with headphones on everynight ,i got this laptop to download music ,it was second hand 80,pounds ,its like brand new ,it wouldent work properly when i got it ,so i rebooted it and its great ,i would never have thought i would be here a few weeks ago ,it has changed my life ,the words i write come from inside and these are my genuine feelings ,im worried i have not heard from aurelia yet and it is causing me concern ,maybe her husbands not well ,anyway i will check the post tommorrow ,going to a car boot sale in the morning ,i love radios by the way ,i buy these and recondistion them ,,,see you tommorrow ,,xn728KEN

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Postby aim » Sat May 16, 2009 6:32 pm

How nice it must be to be handy!! I know it must upset you that you can no longer work as an engineer, but please do take pleasure in working with your hands to fix things in your personal life. Also, your current, chosen career seems so utterly fulfilling!

Music is a great escape, isn't it? I depend mostly on TV, but when I have a headset on with music, I can kind block out the rest of the world. Don't have to listen to anyone or anything except the sound that I have CHOSEN to listen to. :-)

I'm sure Aureila will be back... I take a few days off sometimes too - get busy and/or lost in my mind. No worries, Ken...

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my music is also my escape

Postby xn728 » Sun May 17, 2009 3:37 pm

hi amy hope your well ,i listen to my music all the time ,i have 2or 3 cd players and mp3s i listen every night to my punk stuff and usally ,wake up tangled in the headphone wires , you now amy no matter how hard i try i cant see a happy future , i honestly dont think i can live any other way ,im not giving up ,its just the way i feel anyway enough of that crap
hope to hear from you again soon ,im glad your happy with your man ,i know you had a bad time before ,sorry men are such idiots ,we really are stupid ,i have worked with these idiots all my life ,and the way some of them treat and portray women is beyond belief . oh no ,when anybody reads this now they,ll think im gay .na who cares ,,,,,best wishes amy
GAY KEN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Postby aim » Mon May 18, 2009 7:35 am

Hey Ken!! Yes, some men are idiots, but not all!! My boyfriend has really restored my faith in men, and for that, I am grateful and glad. And don't think I don't know how lucky I am to have found him, either. Went too many years with the wrong person... it took me until I was 32 to find the right one - so it does happen if you're open to it!

Music is the best escape, huh? I hope you keep listening, Ken. And I'm so sorry you don't see any brightness ahead... remember that it's always there, ok? No matter how dark something seems at the time, there is a light there as well. I believe that everything happens for a reason... sometimes it just takes time, sometimes years, before we can discover what the reason is.

Keep flying, Ken...

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music is my pleasure

Postby xn728 » Mon May 18, 2009 3:42 pm

yes amy i do really enjoy the harsh gritty punk sound ,even after all these years ,it seems as fresh as ever ,as regarding the darkness ,its been a long time now and i dont think i can change ,also if i got better ,LOL
i may lose the ability to write the way i do about the way ,we feel .and i dont think i could bear this loss ,there are to many outside things that affect my life,when i overcome one another jumps up .
i know i have a family and i wont harm myself ,but if i had that option i would kill myself and i would not worry were i went ,,,and on that happy note ,i will continue to post here ,i put a great deal into my postings about my life ,i posted last night about the night i tryed to kill myself by train ,and was saved by someone who became a great friend ,i will see you later amy my good friend ,from a big land i will only ever see on tv ,, GAY KEN ,,,,,,,,,,

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Postby aim » Mon May 18, 2009 7:52 pm

Wow, Ken. I did not see your post about the train... please let me know what thread it is on, ok?

Sometimes God intervenes and gives us a gift, even in the darkest of times. That night, he saved your life and gave you a wonderful friend. Again I say - everything happens for a reason - and it's usually a good one!!

Glad to hear that you won't hurt yourself... your family needs you. And we've all gotten pretty used to you being around here as well! ;-)

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hi amy ,

Postby xn728 » Tue May 19, 2009 1:33 pm

the story is in storys ,i put it on last night in the main forum it should be on the list ,youn know my friend sometimes i do wish i was dead ,like now .i just feel empty and horrible ,im sorry i must be frank ,i should have died before i had my family ,this is to much to bear ,xn728 i just feel like smashing this laptop and throwing it through the window ,

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Postby aim » Tue May 19, 2009 9:52 pm

(((((Ken))))) I'm sorry you're feeling so low, my friend. Remember... we are all here to catch you too...

And please don't smash your lap top - I would miss you! I look forward to my responses from you every day. You are not only needed in your home, but needed on these forums as well, ok?

You are in my thoughts, Ken.

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