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Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:59 am
by Jay_lonely
I'm Jay...I live in Pennsylvania and i am 14....I have been battling depression since i was 7.....Every time i semi cope with my depression or every time i feel an ounce of happiness it stays there for a min but it always goes away for longer...Most of the time people tell me to "Just be happy"....Ha i wish it was that easy..i mean i'm only 14 and i'm going through the shit i'm going though and so much shit has happened to me already....I feel like every time i have sumthing or sumone good in my life i find a way to f*** it up because i feel like i'm gonna end up getting my heart broken....Idk if anyone else feels the way i do...i just haven't been able to instill trust to anyone to tell them what i go through or what im dealing with.....most people don't get me or they just don't want to get me.....

If u feel this way too plz tallk to me i want to
know if sumone understands me.......

Re: Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:43 am
by CamGirl
Hi Jay,

So brave of you to open up. If I may ask, what triggers your depression? You might get this a lot already, but you are too young to be feeling the way you do. I really hope if it's possible that your parents know what you're going through because it would kill me if my son feels this way and I know nothing and can't do anything.

Wishing you well!

Re: Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:30 am
by marissa1234
Hi i’m also fourteen and feel the same way i’d really like if we could talk more.

Re: Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:43 pm
by Jay_lonely
Hi and sure just text me whenever

Re: Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:52 pm
by Kelly marie
New hear. Feel so sad but I like to help people to. Not sure how to work this site so may take time. X

Re: Why can't i be happy...

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:31 pm
by jessica james
Happiness comes with sad moments. Life is never constant. Similarly, the bad times never remains constant. With every hardship, there is ease. I am a depression survivor. I suffered since I was 11, I had been alone for ages, solitude and isolation took me there in a state of severe depression and nothing helped. A broken family and friends bully affected by mental health so bad. My grandmother met me after 16 years of my birth and she left me some good piece of advice. Ever since then I am fighting for myself. I have been trying to stay positive as I can.