New meds and a little pride of my s.o (significant other).

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New meds and a little pride of my s.o (significant other).

Postby Sadinatura » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:37 pm

I've been taking some new medications and I'm not so sure how I feel about it... my mom and doctor asked me to start taking vitamins B complex, D, and a Multivitamin, and I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it because now I'm taking 3 pills for depression and school, and then 3 vitamins each morning making me feel like I'm taking so many meds, well, I am but...
And the past 2 days I've felt like it's been affecting me and making me hyper and it makes me feel like I'm really annoying around my friends when I become hyper. I've figured out it usually happens around noon before lunch and for like 2 hours, so this morning when I took my meds I like prayed that I could control myself today and not be hyper and feel like I'm annoying because it makes me mad at myself after but let's hope it doesn't happen today.

On another note, I want to brag about how much I love my significant other right now, our first week was rough because they were sick but this past week they've been really affectionate and has made me very happy because of that. I love them very much but lol I'm too scared to say it yet, and also it's tough because I can't always be affectionate around them upstairs at school because their mother works as a teacher on the second floor and they're not out to them and their mom doesn't know about us as far as I know... I really want to hold their hand and I told myself today I was going to. So, hopefully, that works out. : )

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