I have no reason to be depressed

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I have no reason to be depressed

Postby LivereviL » Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:53 pm

I've been depressed for 3 years now, most of that time on and off anti-depressents, but I just keep thinking that I literally have no reason to be depressed. I mean, I don't remember when it started, but, it's like I just woke up one day and was depressed. I've considered suicide, but I think I'm too afraid of death and the pain it would cause my family if I did it. And I'm so judgmental in my head, I feel bad for hating everyone, especially my nice friends who expect me to be funny and would probably try to help, and who I JUST CAN'T STAND. And then I feel bad about being such a horrible person and I stay in my room all day. The one time I talked to my friend about my depression and eating disorder, she told me that she was "worried about me, you have so much to live for" because apparently all depressed people must be considering suicide, and it made me feel like crap. I mean, my counselor knows, but she still seems to think that there must be a reason behind my depression. So yeah, it just feels nice to just get it all out.

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Re: I have no reason to be depressed

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:45 am

Hi there, you shouldn't think that you have no reason to be depressed. Whoever has said that to you is wrong and don't know what it's like to be depressed themselves.

As you said, you just woke up one day and sadly expect to be depressed. This can happen to anyone. There's always a reason behind it. Your counsellors right about that but only you know what it could of been the trigger to it.

I'm glad you have got family and friends for support. It doesn't just sound like they care about you but you care about them. You don't wanna hurt them just like they don't wanna hurt you and I hope having support through them and get you through this.

Have you been to see a doctor? If so when did you last see them? It would be good to talk to your doctor and let them know how you feel. If it's about the medication or something else they should try and help you. Its important you don't stop taking the medication. Do what your doctor has advised for you to do. It maybe you feel better or don't need to take it no more but if you stop taking it your have unpleasant side effects so please don't stop taking it. Are you able to talk to your counsellor about this?

I'm not sure if your at college or working but I find keeping busy and socialising with others can help you with how you feel. The more you do it the more relaxed and happier you become. Sometimes it may just be the persons self esteem or low mood what can be the problem to how you feel about everything so it's a good idea to try those things and be happier in yourself.

I hope you find this helps and remember were always here for you X

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