
Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby ladybird » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:48 am

Hello everyone! Today is one of those down days. One of those days when you feel so horribly lonely, so disgustingly inadequate, like such a failure in every way that you would really love to be dead, although you wouldn't because you're too afraid...I came on here hoping to find some solace...and it's really lovely and comforting to see people sharing their stories and trying to help one another. I came out of a physically abusive relationship a few months ago...We were together three years...since then I have been trying to put my life back together...I am not really sure if I have a story though as I think I was depressed even before I was with that guy and I can't think of any reason for that. I feel pretty down most days, and I'm not really sure is often triggered by very minor incidents. I'm just oversensitive and pathetic I suppose. I have been trying to lead a healthy lifestyle for the past few months, eating well, sleeping, exercising...I just wish I could figure out why I feel so awful and stop thinking negatively. Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for reading my post! I send everyone much love and a big hug

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Postby sigmund » Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:08 pm

hello ladybird,
have you had blood test done? talked to your GP? i feel like what you described every day but mine is caused by losing dad before i was 2, being abused in everyone, panic attacks, fear of people, hurting others before they hurt me etc. i always feel a loser, that the world would be better off without me etc but like you said death scares me.
not meaning to pry but maybe your sub consious is trying to tell you something that happened in your past?
i would suggest having bloods taken (not me a needle and i run a mile) talk to your GP and perhaps see a councellor or even try hynotherapy. but i DO know how you feel if i should ever feel happy i start to wonder why as it is so unusal for me to be happy.
perhaps also get a pet, i have guinea pigs and whilst so many people thing of them as nothing they are amazing creatures and have been there for me so many times. hang in there and know you are not alone and people do care about you!

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Re: confused

Postby Emotional_77 » Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:48 pm

ladybird wrote: I feel pretty down most days, and I'm not really sure is often triggered by very minor incidents. I'm just oversensitive and pathetic I suppose.
Thanks for reading my post! I send everyone much love and a big hug

Thats me for sure as well. Big hugs back at ya!!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:13 am

(((((((((((((((( ladybird )))))))))))))))))

Depression doesn't have a reason, it just is. We try our best to deal with it. In this forum we do give all the support we can, for depression has found us all.

Please talk with your doctor about your concerns, they do listen.

The chat room is a great place to get support from people that deal with depression daily. You won't feel so alone there, what I feel.

Take care, keeping good thoughts coming your way.

Warmie 8)

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