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Home situation

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:54 pm
by Jack3
There is no doubt that my home situation has caused my depressed...and i admit..a tendency to become suicidal.. :oops:

My parents both physicallly and emotionally/verbally hurt me....I can deal with the physical and get over it, but the emotional aspect of everything takes its toll. Recently, the verbal has become the worst its ever been........after they found out im bisexual....I'm always just "the brainwashed faggot" now...

I dont know how to feel better about myself when im constantly being put down. :(

I joined after the nice people on the chat gave me the link here...

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:48 pm
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13

Welcome. Glad you wrote and shared with us.

Feel free to continue putting your thoughts down, they are read.

Glad you found the chat room, some wonderful and caring chatters/family there to give support and understanding.

Warmie 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:13 am
by Katietron
Hi, so nice to see you here.
The thing with family is that you cant choose them, you´re just born in there. Its one of those things one can´t really change. I doubt they ever will.
Anyway where I´m trying to get with this is that I think you should sit down and have a good and long conversation with yourself. Objective conversation. In your head, written on paper, in your blog whatever you have is good.

When your mental image of yourself is similar with the real you and you know who you are as a person, its so much easier to brush off sayings like this. They still hurt sometimes, but it dosen´t feel like an absolute truth when it comes out of their mouths because somewhere in the back of your head is this little nagging voice of your own telling you - its their opinion. Just because they happen to be related to you does not make it unmistakable right.
Wish you the best.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:22 pm
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13
((((((((((((( Katietron )))))))))))))))))

Nicely stated!! Thank you.

Yes writing feelings/emotions down to read back has been a great help, so I find. Give it a try Jack, may surprise you.

Warmie/Jeanie 8)