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Tired Of Life

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:28 am
by YuYu
hi guys, i'm back.'s been a few months since i broke up with my girlfriend. honestly, i'm tired of everything. to be exact, i am tired of my life. If you guys don't know what's going on, please feel free to go ahead and read the post that i posted on the 22nd of October.

To be honest, i started getting better one day. I cheered up a little, my appetite started coming back and i grew a little closer to my family, i still didn't look for any of my friends but i started getting better. but the problem is eventhough i got better, i still stalk her and that guy she is super close with everyday on social networking sites. i'm like an obssesed stalker. i feel so stupid, childish and pissed at myself for being so weak and useless. why am i doing this to myself when she has already moved on and has already stop thinking about me? and a few days ago, she posted a picture of herself smiling with a caption saying 'you make me smile <3 like always'. and after seeing that, i broke down. i completely lost it. i was doing so well before seeing that and after seeing that...i was just torn apart. i started crying and i started having nightmares again. i lost my appetite again, and i couldn't sleep again. guys...i'm sick and tired of my life...i don't know if i should just end it and go to the other world. what should i do?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:33 am
by Waynec
Dont let this girl get to you.

I totally understand everything you are going through. Im still exactly where you are. And its absolute torture on you. Ive seen my ex a few times, and its killed me seeing her, and the kiddies, and especially seeing that engagement ring on her finger.

No contact is the best policy. But I understand, why you keep looking her up. I do the same, and its eating me up. Just yesterday, she sent me a message to say she is off to meet her future mother in law. That sent me on a huge downward spiral, where i did something silly.

If you want my advice (bearing in mind, I cant take my own advice). Block her from these sites, dont let this girl live inside your head anymore. There is a old saying, best way to get over a girl, is to get under one. Go out with you friends and family, have a good laugh, flirt your ass off, and I bet you will soon forget her.

Easier said than done my friend I know.

Set her free, if its meant to be she'll come back, if not, she was never truly yours.

Keep fighting the good fight, you arent alone in your feelings and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:20 am
by Understandable
Hey YuYu!

As you look through her profile on websites, all you can think of is what she's up to and other things such as if she's thinking about me or not right? It shows that you care for her a lot. It's very hard to let go because you don't want someone you loved so much to disappear in midair.

As Waynec said in his post, if you let something go and if it comes back it's yours, if not, it was never meant to be. It's true.

It's hard to let go but we need to face it and let go. Don't you want her to smile, laugh and be happy? Blocking her and showing her you want to ignore her will end everything you had with her.. You wouldn't want that right? Then be a friend and support her. Most importantly, be there when she really needs you.

I truly understand the feeling in your chest. The pain in your heart, it hurts the most. Feels like your heart just broke into pieces. Tape, staples, and glue will not put together your heart. Time is what will heal your heart. You'll slowly feel better, trust me. You'll be back on your feet, possibly still talking to the girl you use to love.

Every relationship that ends always have a reason. We will learn from it and will try not to make the same mistake twice. It's what makes us stronger in our next relationship. It is up to you YuYu to let go and see what happens.

This world is a beautiful place. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from seeing the whole thing.


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:23 pm
by nenkohai
YuYu, Bro, I just ended a relationship about 3 months ago. Dude, it was soul shredding. So, I get that. I gotta second what Wayne has said about no contact. Its harsh and its hard. But it is the best thing to do. From there, let time do its work. Yes, it sucks right now. It starts to suck less and less.

Be kind to yourself. You will get through.

time heals only those who what to be healed

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:33 pm
by geezus84
i agree with Wayne as well. you need to let go of her and block yourself from checking up on her. it hurts you more and it wont give you time to heal. which is meant be the time your with time times 2. ( some unwritten rule somewhere ).

your not going to want to move on. but know that you did everything you could. and now you must do the same to move on. that could be small steps like going to a paper shop everyday to going on dates. you will hate the first girl your with you will feel like your cheating on your ex maybe, but it does get easier. and if you com to see that you can have a new type of love for someone you will get there. just don't make the mistake i made and try to find the same love in some else. each love is unique to that couple

sorry i went off point i just wanted to say in the short haul . it will be hard but i will tell you it true it does get better if you want to work at it and to do that i truly believe you need to let that part of her go. but by all means use the good and by times to learn things as well what to do and not to do.
every bad thing is experiences and every experiences is a good thing as it teaches us and strengthen us

i hope that helps