Just another day

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Just another day

Postby JosephAutumn » Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:06 pm

Hey there, I'm going to start off by saying coming a website like this and seeing that there are others out there like myself, ready to talk about there depression and conquer it, has brightened my mood significantly... which is no easy feet these days!

I'm a 22 year old Nursing Student in British Columbia, Canada. I've suffered from depression a little over a year now, when I look back at my life now I often see it in terms of "Pre-depression" and "Depression", like theres one big line seperating what was once colourful and what is now gray. My depression I don't think is as severe as some of the other users who's stories I have read, but it is a strungle just the same. I don't have suicidal thoughts, I don't wish to harm myself nor others, and there are times where I can still go without being depressed.

In March of 2011 I tried what I would call my first "real drug". I had smoked pot very casually and drank once every few weeks, but never anything serious. Anyway, details aside that was a life changing experience for me. Something as little as a bad trip had left a stain on my life I can't seem to be rid of. Within the weeks following the incident I was having periodic panic attacks, I began to see a councellor (which helped on a short-term basis), and it seems like the overall outcome of the experience was a lasting depression. Life just isn't the same to me anymore, thoughts like "Whats the point?" come into my head all too often, and booze and pot are now the depressions catalyst, helping it even more to take over my mind (yes I avoid both).

Hope that wasn't too long, again I'm really happy to see forums like this that may help distinguish some of our depressive episodes, after going through councilling I think the best medicine for depression is communication with others, and im much more comfortable talking to others who I know feel the same and I won't have to fear 'dragging' down with me.


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Postby dd-va » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:25 pm

Welcome to the forums. I'm glad you have found this place, please feel free to vent and seek the support that is waiting here. We also have a chat room that you might want to try out as well, plenty of support to find there as well. Take Care & Keep Posting!

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