Depression is a git....

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Depression is a git....

Postby username_overload » Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:25 am

...and there you have it. Hi i'm new to the forums, please excuse my jumping in without going via the new members page.

Here is my story....

i'm female, 43. In my mid twenties I had a psychotic episode and was hospitalised, have not had a repeat psychotic episode but been blighted with depression and anxiety ever since oh yes and post natal depression. Yes i've had the classic symptoms; tv talking directly to me and sending messages, delusions, crippling lonliness, isolation, innability to do the simplest of tasks, lost all my friends, even taking a bath can be like climbing a mountain. I've had the suicidal thoughts, and been unable to find the tunnel never mind the light at the end of the ruddy thing..... but i'm still here and I can still laugh :-)

I count myself lucky, yes I have a chemical imbalance, I have to work a damn sight harder than some others in controlling my moods - I have been able to an extent to recognise when i'm in a low point and drag myself up and out.

Depression? yes, depression is a git - but it's my git - I was born with it, it's become my annoying companion in life - I could dwell on how I feel my life could have been so much better if I did not suffer from it but that would only be giving into the little git ;-)

So, hi .... this is me ... live, laugh and aim a swift kick at the 'little git' when it's not looking :-D

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Postby dd-va » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:31 pm

Hello and welcome to the forums!


Re: Depression is a git....

Postby St8arrow » Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:31 pm

username_overload wrote:...and there you have it. Hi i'm new to the forums, please excuse my jumping in without going via the new members page.

Here is my story....

i'm female, 43. In my mid twenties I had a psychotic episode and was hospitalised, have not had a repeat psychotic episode but been blighted with depression and anxiety ever since oh yes and post natal depression.

Depression? yes, depression is a git - but it's my git - I was born with it, it's become my annoying companion in life - I could dwell on how I feel my life could have been so much better if I did not suffer from it but that would only be giving into the little git ;-)

--- So, hi .... this is me ... live, laugh and aim a swift kick at the 'little git'
when it's not looking :-D

For the uneducated like me, would you please explain why you use the word "git" and/or "little git."

Ps. I like your sense of humor. :)

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Postby username_overload » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:21 pm

Hi St8arrow, thank you for your kind welcome.

Regarding my use of the phrase 'git' I suppose I use it to define how I feel about my illness, the word itself is normally used as an insult but can also be used affectionately between friends - I suppose in some way it sums up how I feel about being lumbered with depression - as much as I have contempt for the condition, it is part of me and adds to the proverbial chocolate box of emotions that makes me who I am - it's a love/hate thing - an annoying little git so to speak that I have to keep in check :-)

so thanks again for the welcome - and for all who read this - keep strong - keep believing and remember, no matter what stage you are at with your own depression - you are not on your journey alone - we've all been there at different stages and at different ages - you can do this and you will. :-)

My own motto is Live long and Party Strong (Even if that 'party' is sticking the kettle on for a well deserved cuppa - that's party enough for me! :-D )


Postby St8arrow » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:42 pm

At the age of 74 and taking into account the extensive amount of reading I have done over my lifetime it was refreshing to hear a phrase put forward differently. I am referring to your comment that not only have you not seen the light at the end of the tunnel but you can't even see the tunnel. With that kind of a sense of humor, you'll do okay.

If there is something that you think you need help with and if you think you can put up with my arrogance that leaves me thinking that I can possibly help you, feel free to dump on me. Well to be honest, that might not have been a good choice of words. Let me take that back and I'll try something else. :lol:

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Postby Destination » Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:54 pm

lol St8arrow you're funny :D

Hello nice to meet you username_overload :)

I have an on again off again relationship with depression. My depression is usually triggered by anger and yes I have anger issues! I also suffer from social anxiety which leaves me feeling pretty isolated.

I have to say, if I didn't have a sense of humor, I'd probably have been dead long ago. The day I can't laugh at myself is the day I've got a problem, otherwise I'm totally normal!! Really!! :shock:

Feel free to drop me a line or tell me a joke, I won't bite. Hard. :D

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Postby RadleySnow » Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:16 pm

People who can see things the way you do inspire me. I have to say, my mindset is usually very similar, but I have too many episodes and times of crashing and burning and being unable to pull myself out of it for weeks or months at a time... It does make me happy to know that there are people who can see the positive in things and can kick depression to the curb when they need to.


Postby St8arrow » Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:57 pm

Destination wrote:
--- I have to say, if I didn't have a sense of humor, I'd probably have been dead long ago. The day I can't laugh at myself is the day I've got a problem, otherwise I'm totally normal!! Really!! :shock:

Feel free to drop me a line or tell me a joke, I won't bite. Hard. :D

Well young lady did you know that you have something in common with Mohandas Gandhi. Here is what he said on this subject:

"If I had not used humor, I would have
gone insane a long time ago."

(Mohandas Gandhi)

My feeble attempt at humor:

I used to work for the weather department but I got the forecast right so often that: --- THEY FIRED ME!!


Postby St8arrow » Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:11 pm

Hello Destination:

I'm looking at your avatar, which I cannot do myself; that is, show a picture of myself, and I am looking at your one blue eye. My wife tells me that she was attracted to my blue eyes. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was wearing contact lens and my real eye color is bloodshot red.

My wife and I met at a library. Actually I'm at a library right now. I prefer to say that we met at a bar. I was trying to leave when I accidentally tripped over her. Usually I duck in time but once in a while I wind up with a black eye because of that smart aleck comment.

To be perfectly honest, most of the information in this message is a lie. Which ideas do you think are the truth and which are bald faced lies? :oops: :wink: :)

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