I'm a victim of lifelong rapes... Triggering Material

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I'm a victim of lifelong rapes... Triggering Material

Postby Mags13 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:09 pm

I never admit to this...but yes, every two years from the age of 11. And when I got old...uglier..figured it was not going to happen anymore. Turns out, I was wrong.

And i'm tired. And yes, I'm bitter, angry. I don't see a future for myself. My life has passed me by in the blink of an eye and I'm not sure why I'm still here. But I am. And i'm trying...really trying. So I spend most days just being exhausted.

sorry...tonight is one of my "angry" nights....this is how I'm dealing with my anger...

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Postby dd-va » Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:09 am

So sorry you are having to deal with all of these emotions. Glad to hear that you are trying and fighting, keep up the fight...we are all here for you..pulling for you! Take care!

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Postby grim_outlook » Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:25 pm

Nothing wrong with venting, sorry to hear about all that. Its not easy but your still going and I'm sure you can keep going. I hope things get better for you.


Re: I'm a victim of lifelong rapes...

Postby St8arrow » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:04 am

Mags13 wrote:I never admit to this...but yes, every two years from the age of 11. And when I got old...uglier..figured it was not going to happen anymore. Turns out, I was wrong.

And i'm tired. And yes, I'm bitter, angry. I don't see a future for myself. My life has passed me by in the blink of an eye and I'm not sure why I'm still here. But I am. And i'm trying...really trying. So I spend most days just being exhausted. sorry...tonight is one of my "angry" nights....this is how I'm dealing with my anger...

I suppose these next words will sound corny to you but they are TRUE.

You are a child of the Universe, you have a right to be here.

I am currently reading a book called Sexual Violence. The Publisher is Greenhaven Press. It deals with the problems that you are facing right now and I would suggest that you go down to your local library and either pick up, or have them order the book for you from another library.

Thank you for having the courage to come in here and vent your anger. If you were not feeling all this anger there would definitely be something wrong with you. But with the proper help and your determination, the potential for you to have a happy life is at all times negotiable.

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