My Story of Semi-Recovery (Non-Medication)

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:59 am


Well.... Thanks Monty & Warmie!

& so.... I went back to vinegar and it has done me some good.... I have started to use a little bit of apple cider vinegar in my body wash. (My body wash is castile soap.) These rough patches on my shoulders have softened up a bit & are also a bit smoother. (The rough patches are said to be keratosis pilaris by the dermatologist I went to years back.)

I was also having a scalp problem (dandruff/dry scalp/itching/etc). Vinegar killed it--whether as a rinse or as part of my shampoo. My shampoo is none other than what I use for my body wash: castile soap. Of course, I DILUTED IT with some water when I used it as a rinse!! I followed up with a lemon rinse, also diluted (lemon juice + water)

It has also been working to quell my allergic reaction on my face/ears with the itching. I wash with both the vinegar & the lemon. (I have 2 body washes I keep on hand, 1 with vinegar, the other with lemon. I wasn't sure if I should mix the 2, so I didn't do it. When in doubt, don't do it.)

An unexpected surprise came from the body wash where I added lemon juice. It kills body odor with 1 wash. The vinegar body wash has the same results, so I don't have to stay long in the shower anymore, if I don't want to do so.

I was feeling bad & to my amazement, I felt better after taking care of the scalp problem. Vinegar is proving to be a lifesaver for me.

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Postby WOMBLE » Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:05 pm

Hi there, I've read through this a couple of times and I've got a couple of questions and afew points I'ld like to make.

What's Okras?
What's Geograhic Tounge?


I never concidered that diet could effect the way I feel emotinally but this made me think of the phrase you are what you eat, so now I'm thinking there is something to it.(and that I should eat more fruit) I know what you mean about greek yogurt there's something about the thickness and texture that's nicer than the normal stuff, try crushing bran flakes in it for some crunch/extra fiber. We used to do this as kids when my mum bought it. I know teenage boys eating yogurt without bribes or threats :shock: Hope you were sat down for that :lol: But we also used to have brown sugar and honey sandwiches.
The bit about drinking enough water makes alot of sense, we are about 70% water after all. The same % of the earths surface is covered in the stuff which I think is interesting but probably not relavent.
Exercising regularly is supposed to be good too, not just for physical health, but because it boost the level of dopamine in the brain which is a natural reward/feel good chemical.
Aromatherapy I'm very sceptical about, there have been several studies that concluded any affects were likely to be due to the plecebo effect. But some argue the same about pills so whatever works for you in the end.
As for your I'm not being rude but were you wearing the right size? Alot of women aren't so if it's too tight it might have something to do with the lump you mentioned. And Bras linked to breast cancer, this sounds like femenist hype. The washing detergent used to clean them being absorbed by the skin is a more likely link than the garment itself I think. Espescially as they're worn so snug (too snug), sweat releasing the chemical from the fabric

One final thing;
I find this hard to believe and it certainly merits some serious scientific study, anyone wishing to participate or fund (about £500000 should cover it) please let me know :lol:


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Postby Obayan » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:19 pm

There can never be too much hagendas or chocolart in my kitchen or on my plate......EVER!

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:29 pm

:) Hi WOMBLE! I'll explain to you what's on my tongue..... (Geographic tongue) It's sort of like lesions.... Well... I'll be less serious about it & it looks like patches. The coating that's supposed to be on your tongue isn't on mine in places (patches) & can be aggravated when I eat food that's acidic or spicy....

My trick is to chew gum if my tongue pains me or burns.

About okras, some pictures can be found at: ... wards.html

(Um... hope the link is okay....)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:27 pm

(((((((((( WOMBLE )))))))))))))))

Doesn't what we drink count. "We are what we..." Picture me as a coffee bean. :)


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Postby WOMBLE » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:30 pm

Hi, the link worked fine, looks a bit like a courgette (?spelling??).
And the southern popcorn looks tasty.
As for geographic tongue. OOWWWW!!!!! :shock:

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:48 pm

For a stamina problem I had been having, some Sea Moss has been working just great!

It's sort of like I always felt tired.....

I am going to look up some recipes on how to make it..... I think it has in seaweed or something like that. It makes me think that this product I picked up a while now will work!

I'll comment on it later, though.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:50 pm

((((((((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))))

Let us know how it goes.


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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:55 am

Successful Diet Modification!! YEAH!

I've been feeling better, since reducing my intake of meat. Pretty simple, right?

I've gone for about 2 weeks where most of my meals do not involve meat. I have used a dab or a few tablespoons of goat cheese, though. (It helps me not to go into withdrawal over meat.)

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Postby Obayan » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:46 am

Meat has a lot of vital ingredients our body needs to function properly. If you are going to eleminate that intake from your diet, remember to supliment the loss in vitamins and minerals and proteins from another source.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:30 pm

Um, yes, indeed I did! I cooked fish with one meal & lentils with the other. I'm remembering to keep it balanced, but there is something about meat that seems not to agree with me much.

SO... I will continue to reduce my intake since it is working for me. :D

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Postby nadiahoney » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:06 pm

Hmm this is interesting bc I agree -00 I feel my life has been so tough but it's just that I get exhausted at what most people seem to find simple. I take it all too hard. All the food tips and sleep tips are useless to me since I have always been obsessed with food and sleep. Studied nutrition in school, love it, love eating healthy (I actually crave broccoli!) so knowing all about food is actually harmful in a way, for someone like me. I know all those things about all the rest, but DOING it seems difficult bc in a way I guess I am so used to depression it's hard to imagine things any different, so I don't even try., That's the worst part -0 that I don't care enough to try or even fix typos in this letter. Meds don't really work but I still take them bc another point you made is also true for me - that many of us (like me) keep thinking that it's something outside that will help us feel better, like food or drugs or something -- when it's plain and simple HARD WORK that we never learned and didn't have intrinsically. It's just tough and gets tougher and I hate it.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:37 am

Well, regarding the HARD WORK.... Sometimes it can get easier, especially if you have the right conditions (for you).

It's all ongoing.... That's where it gets tiresome.... but gosh, I am absolutely grateful for those little moments of "happiness"--the states that are not as bad as they could have been....

I guess in nutrition, you learned about alkaline foods then?? Tell me more about that! :D :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:39 pm

Alrighty, it's been quite a while, but I have some interesting news.

I tried The Lemonade Diet (The Master Cleanser) & let's say I feel better than I have felt in a long time. Even my family & bf says I don't look as sick as I used to be.

Here's to that. Please note that I am just saying that it worked for me.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:53 am

There is something else I am thinking of doing to detox.

I have been doing some reading & so forth, but it involves a mixture of bentonite clay (one comprised of both the sodium & calcium types) & activated charcoal (food grade made from coconut shells).... (Of course, I'd drink a LOT OF WATER....)

Lemonade Diet was great. It's just that lemons aren't in season right this minute, & I am thinking of starting birth control shots. The idea was to clear out my body of whatever needs to go before I go to the doctor for that.

I would also still eat, maybe something light like salad with bean dip.... The items should be here in 2 weeks maybe.... I'll see if I can manage it....

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