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Postby MianLee » Thu May 20, 2010 10:22 pm

Its soooo hard that I want a family now and my husband doesn't. I feel like he is holding be back..he says that we will but I think he's lying. We've been married for 9 years..he says that we are not financially ready..yet he wants to buy a $10k motorcycle..He says that we don't have a marriage licsence..this can be easily done..(we're culturally married). We don't use protection, my period is normal..he just..pulls out..all the time..I hope for a miracle but when my period comes, I get supppper depressed. My sisters are popping babies left and right..all my friends have kids..people just seem to be popping kids everywhere..but what about me...Is it because I stopped going to church..I don't know..I'm just frustrated...very frustrated..I want to be happy for everyone..but I can't..I'm mad..nothing is making me happy...nothing at all..I'm very angry...

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Location: MI

Postby Jeanne » Fri May 21, 2010 12:19 am

Your husband sounds like he is being very selfish. He is looking only to himself and his wants. That's a shame. Children show us that the world is so much bigger than just ourselves. I feel for you and I will pray for you. Take care.

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Location: ventura now...louisiana soon

Postby Peep212 » Fri May 21, 2010 2:14 pm

whoa whoa whoa, back up there. he doesnt want kids because yo uare not finnancially ready, but he wants a cycle? uhh...sould like he is eithr not mature enough for kids, or he just doesnst want kids. hon, he needs help to overcome this. personally i would tell him no kids, no bike, and see what he does. and just for info, no one is ever really ready for kids finnancially; you just adjust your lifestyle.

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