Life taught vs Life learned

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Life taught vs Life learned

Postby derkderk » Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:05 am

Most of us start school age, as I, and learn whats right or wrong, compelling or boring, useful or useless. It was taught how before modern civilization came around us humans survived supposedly just fine. Though our modern selves wouldn't want to trade places with ancient populations. Yet somehow we still struggle with similar philosophical challenges. Mental debates were around centuries ago, and here we are now having the same problems.

Beyond mental health problems there are simpler problems that shouldn't still be prevailing in these "modern" times. Boiling this idea down... just think of the idea of "kindness". Nothing complex or deceptive about it, just be kind. From ancient times to modern times, everyone would agree that kindness ends up to be a wishful idea that sometimes is used. The question becomes WHY.

Countries band together to defend their sovereignty, tribes will work together to hunt for their food, but I don't hear people joining forces to defend the existence of "kindness". Life teaches us to value kindness despite an expectation of its disregard. Biblical and other religious teachings promotes forgiveness and love for others so you then become worthy of your God, heaven, and are then forever a good person.

But, passed over and ignored that the simple idea of being "good" or "kind" that needs no religion, bible, or god. Being required to ask god for forgiveness or praying before every meal doesn't seem to have any implication to people's kindness or goodness. Where these requirements of worship are apparent, I don't see promotion and requirement for the most simple of humanities value and goodness: kindness, honesty, care, and love.

We then are rewarded or punished only after death. How convenient for the living.

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Re: Life taught vs Life learned

Postby Spleefy » Sat Sep 14, 2019 7:03 am

Yep, we do live in a system of things that is based heavily on selfishness, greed, cruelty, and all kinds of viciousness.

All we can do is just treat people the way we want to be treated. And I learned it is essential to raise our own standards and values that is closer to God rather than subscribing to those of this world.

I personally find value in reading the Bible and praying frequently. It helps to keep me focused. I have heard some people say, “you don’t need the Bible to be a good person.” But how do we know what qualities we need to be a good person without direction, without a moral standard to follow?

If we follow the standards of the world, then we end up just as corrupt and sinful because this world’s standards are Satan’s standards.

I love reading the Bible because Jehovah God sets the standard of morality for humans. So, essentially, we only have two standards to live by: Jehovah’s or Satan’s. If we choose our own standards or what other imperfect people teach us (including parents) then these will inevitably reflect this world’s or Satan’s moral standards.

Also, what I love about the Christian brotherhood is that they all “defend the existence of kindness” via living by God’s moral standards, which is flawless. Of course, they are not perfect as nobody is. We all have inherited sin and so will gravitate towards corruption and sin in which the Bible and spirituality will help to minimize.

Anyway, great post. Thanks for sharing. Gives us all something to think about. I enjoyed replying to this post because it acts as a great reminder for me to remain strong in my faith and keep close to Jehovah. By following God’s standards in this lifetime we are rewarded both now and in the new world.

Thanks for the stimulating post.

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