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Postby hollyb7119 » Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:00 pm

Just backtracking, guys. feeling better.
Last edited by hollyb7119 on Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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please dont think about suicide

Postby xn728 » Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:40 pm

hi there hollyb7119 i just caught your post as i was leaving ,i was deppressed at seven and i am 50 now and im male ,so i dont know what it is like for girls ,you sound deppressed ,but you are a teen and strange things can happen at that age ,if you feel bad things and have bad thoughts you must see your doctor ,dont be afraid ,i can see you posted yesterday and have had no replys dont worry people try to make the most of there wk ends and may be away from there pc,s ,i promice you will get some more helpful replys ,were not doctors here you know we are sufferers we cant offer you medical help but we can listen and share our experiences with you ,also you can speak freely here there are no barriers ,im very poorly and deppressed at the moment but i found the strentgh to give you a reply ,because we care ,wonderful people come here ,read some posts and see how other people feel ,dont be afraid of what you may read ,everyone is differant and depprestion manifests itself in many differant ways ,if it turns out you are deppressed you will get help and learn to live with it ,you will find the strenth to deal with it and the new friends you will find on here will help you along ,read and share and dont think of suicide ,you have showed how strong and clever you are by finding us here ,welcome home reach out and we will catch your fall .i may not be around for a few days but i will keep looking in to check you posts ,bye for now ,STAY STRONG xn728 oh and yes i do enjoy my music to. i was into punk rock in the 70s we do still have things to enjoy some more than others and the mild anger to .yes i sometimes feel that i think its a form of reliese ,i cry a lot too i dont let my family see me .any way hope you get some more post replys soon , when i was your age i was very alone ,the other kids picked on me ,so i became an outcast ,but i grew up to be clever and i have a great family ,i had very mixed up feelings and thoughts ,even though ive been deppresed all these years i have built a life ,it is hard but i have great stregnth from somewere to keep going ,im sure if you reach deep inside yourself you will find your strength soon ,dont let your depprestion trick you into doing something silly there is a lot to be gained by reading posts on here so have a look round ,and comment if you feel like it ,even someone as young as yourself can help us to ,can you imageine me being deppressed when i was seven i wish there had been an internet then ,so you use it as a tool now to live with what you may or not have you can go on new member introductions if you like hopefully people will say hello . xn728

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Postby redux » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:39 am

I think interests are good, if you find something really fascinating to you it may help to pass some time and come out feeling more positive. Try to focus on something else rather than your feelings for a while if you're low. Music can be good--just try to listen to something with a positive message so that good thoughts will sink in. Or try something immersive like a game or a fun hobby.

You'll definitely have some emotions as a teen. (And don't look for diagnosis online, that's a hands-on task for a professional!) But yes, I'd say writing a suicide note indicates you could seek help and advice. (Such as school counselor, church pastor, parents, health professionals.) And obviously you've taken a good step to post on a forum here. I'm a newbie here, but it seems like a good place to share.

You're young, things are definitely better than you think!

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Postby Monty » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:03 pm


I agree with Redux, it would probably be a good idea to go and talk to someone. I don't know where you are from, maybe you have a school counsellor that you could talk to.

Though you are much younger than my children, I can remember with my daughter that there were some problems that manifested themselves in her life about the time that she became a teenager.

I was fortunate that she talked to me about them and we were able to get some help. I don't know what your relationship is like with your parents, if they are the kind that you feel comfortable about sitting down and just laying all of the cards on the table. Not all people have the most wonderful relationships with their parents though (mine certainly wasn't).

I have been told, that you always pay attention to someone when they suggest suicide. That it should never be taken lightly. I hope that you find somewhere for help. If what ideas you get from us aren't feasible, then post again and ask again. We are here to help with suggestions. Most of all note, that we are not professionals, but we are here to help you vent. You need a professional that you can talk to if the thought of suicide has gotten far enough for you to plan and write a note.

It is good that you have a band that you like, and listening to them helps you when you feel down. Whatever works.

You should look for some professional help. I know that in Canada we have a Kid's Help Line. A toll-free number that is available 24 hours a day/7days a week that young people can call for advice.

Do you have something like that available to you?

Think it is great that you have found us.
We are a close-knit forum family and I think that it is great that you found us. Just by posting the first time, you became family.

Keep posting and let us know how things are going for you.

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you don't have to feel like this!

Postby bluesky1 » Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:57 am

Hi. I am sorry that you are feeling this way. It's not normal and you don't have to put up with it. You have been very brave in articulating how you feel on this message board. Recognising that something isn't right is the first step. The best thing you can do is communicate these feelings to you doctor (GP) or possibly your school counsellor. They will understand depression and will steer you in the right direction. With this help, you won't have to feel this way for much longer. Best wishes,



Thanks, all.

Postby hollyb7119 » Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:57 pm

Thanks guys. You really made me smile - I have never seen so much support before! Thank you. :)
HB7119 x
Last edited by hollyb7119 on Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Monty » Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:00 am

Also that we were of some help. This posting seems a lilttle more calm than the first one.

It is too bad that you can't find someone to talk to, in person.

Often people come and post for a while, drift away for a bit, then come back to the forum. Even if you haven't been here for bit, you are still treated as an old friend.

Keep in touch

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Postby redux » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:53 am

Sorry I can't think of much to say right now--tired tonight--but glad to see you post again!

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Postby JamieW » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:36 pm

Hi, what about a teacher or any other adult you can trust. You will be amazed at the support and confidentiality you can recieve. When I was suffering as a teen I wrote a letter to an old teacher of mine, just mailed it to the school. She was the kind teacher a lot of kids didn't like tough and nosy. If she thought you didn't do your best she would make you do it again. It wasn't until much later I knew she was the way she was because she cared.
She ended up first asking the school social worker to come talk to me, but she also wrote me an amazing letter back and really became my closest confidant. I would often go visit her after school. She never once told my parents anything, even though she probably should have at times. She urged me to seek help, but understood why I couldn't. She is just an amazing person. I never knew how much writing that letter would help me.

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