Lonely, in a rut and in college. Please help

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby aim » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:53 am

Welcome back, Aiko!!! I remember college well, and I remember finals and all that goes along with them.

Don't be too hard on yourself for your grades, ok? Just move on, and promise yourself you will do better next semester... that's all. And you did pass. I would say, considering what you have been going through personally, that is a feat in itself. :-)

I know you feel overwhelmed and like you have no time to do the things that interest you, but I would definitely advise you to try and make some down time for yourself, Aiko. When we forget about taking care of ourselves and our mental health, the roof tends to cave in on us.

Keep the faith, Aiko. Now... how are you feeling?

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Postby aiko137 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:07 pm

I'm not feeling too good now. Michael told me yesterday that he flew from his college in AZ to see his gf in WI and he asked me not to call unless it's urgent. And I'm pretty sure he had sex with her which ticks me off... :cry:

But what bothers me is that he somehow got the money to fly out to WI from AZ, but he could have seen me too and I live in WA. And he promised he would see me again. And now I'm pretty sure he's not going to see me in person...

Also, I was pretty depressed last night not only because he was with his gf, but my dad called me with some news and that really depressed me. I called his phone twice last night and he didn't answer. And I was afraid I was going to hurt myself again. Like I was really close to hurt myself and he hasn't responded...which hurts :cry: ....because I needed him WAY more than his gf and he didn't even bother to check his phone and text or leave a message.

Like I told my counselor last night, the reason why I struggle to keep our friendship alive is because he saved me from my parents, who I already kinda painted aren't ideal parents. I thought my life was great before he showed me that I didn't have to put up with the emotional abuse my dad was putting me through. When I was younger, I would always let others step all over me and listen to whatever my dad said, but he showed me a way out. I just want to feel special to someone, not just anyone, but someone who feels special to me. (my counselor's hands were shaking when I told her this so I guess I effected her somehow) :oops:

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Postby aim » Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:12 pm

Aiko... I'm sorry you are not well. And I can understand that attachment you feel to Michael. Unfortunately, he's just not coming through for you anymore, it seems.

You can find another person who can care for you the way you felt Michael did in the past. But, I have to tell you that, until you open yourself up to allowing another person into your life and your heart, it won't happen. I guess that means getting over Michael though as well.

Good luck to you, Aiko. Glad you're in counseling.

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Postby aiko137 » Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:22 pm

I HATE MYSELF! I HATE MYSELF!I HATE MYSELF! Nothing ever goes right in my life! I have nothing now, nothing to look forward to. All I have now are a dad who can barely keep my family financially stable, a mom who constantly tells me I need to lose weight, an older brother who constantly gets his way with everything and constantly bosses my parents around and has anger management issues and a younger brother who endures it all. And I can do is sit and watch. It continues to hurt me and depresses me more, which isn’t good for me since I’m a depressed individual and endured the said stress for 19 years. Michael was the ONLY one who made it better… He was my best friend and now he doesn’t even talk to me anymore.

And my other friends don’t know how to help me with the shit I’ve been through. All they can say for me is that they’re sorry for me. I don’t have any friends here at my college because no one wants to be around me, not even my roommate. And after I don’t know how many failed attempts to take away my pain and the counselors and psychiatrists I’ve spoken to I honestly do not know what to do

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Postby aim » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:45 am

Oh Aiko... I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Please don't hate yourself, hun. The list you gave about what is wrong in your life seems to have very little to do with what you have done - so why hate yourself?

I know you are feeling empty without Michael in your life anymore, but please do try to keep in mind that there are other men out there; other potential friends out there as well.

Could you be pushing people away - is that why you say no one wants to be around you? Perhaps you are isolating yourself because you are afraid to allow anyone access to you? I'm not a professional, it's just my opinion and guess on this one.

Don't stop trying to help yourself with therapy and counselors, ok? You will find the solution to your depression, it just takes time. Keep the faith, Aiko. You sound like a bright girl - don't give up on yourself. And DON'T HATE YOURSELF...

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Postby aiko137 » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:50 pm

No, I don't push people away. I try to socialize with others, but they always find an excuse. I onced asked a girl on the other end of my floor if I could go with her and her friends to a dance club, but all she told me that she was going with friends from a nearby college and I might not know them. And all the other guys who are interested in me are bums, guys around 40-60 year olds and black guys. Even though I'm half black myself, I don't like to get close to black guys because I was sexually abused by one. And there most likely not be any guys out there similar to Michael because all of my life no one has given me a random act of kindness like he first did when we met.

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Postby aiko137 » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:13 pm

what Michael said to me:

hey, if you and me have a problem, that's fine. but don't go off and say that it's [my girlfriend's] fault that me and you odn't talk anymore.

you wanna know why we don't talk???? it's because everytime we do, you always bring up the problems that you miss me, and then you start getting sad, then start asking about [my girlfriend's], then start blaming me for your shit.
it's you that always brings her into our conversations, not me. so stop saying it's the other way around

if you would just leave it be that it wouldn't be a problem, but you never do that. you havr to keep bring it up, keep depressing yourself, and keep getting me pissed off
maybe if you just let it go, all would be fine. have you ever thought of (or god forbid) tried that?!??!

no, instead all you keep doing, is saying how the world is falling down around YOUR ears, keep depressing YOURself, and trying to take YOUR problems out on me!

i don't mind helping you out, but theirs a difference between getting help, and taking it out on someone. a BIG one.
so just leave it be, and there won't be a problem!
and stop saying that [my girlfriend] if taking me away from you. because you know it's not true. you're just looking for a finger to point.

here's a quick run down.
you bring it up, you depress yourself, you get mad at yourself, determine its not your fault, it must be the other persons, take it out on that person, and if failing that, try to make that person feel bad for yoy

i have an uncle that was supporting three kids PLUS me and himself on a dissability paycheck with a broken arm. and he never complained 10% as much as you do. so don't try to make it sound like your shit is the only one that matters or that you have it the worse.
i'm willing to talk this out with you, but next time we talk, their are some things i need to make quite clear to you. because you seem to think i abandoned you or something.

here's a hint... i went to wisconsin. did you ever stop and think that maybe T-mobile (my cell phone provider) doesn't offer coverage in wisconsin??? that maybe i never got any phones calls from ANYONE while i was in wisconsin??/?
get the facts before you accuse.

No, I cannot just drop this thing and act like it has never happened. I just can't let it go, no matter how hard I try, it always comes back. And what his girlfriend said to me:

Ok, I have tried to be nice and stay out of whatever problems you and Michael are having, but you seriously are crossing the line. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your relationship with Michael. If he's not talking to you, then it's probably something you did, not me. We don't even talk about you! Maybe you should stop calling him and then hanging up, you're an adult, act like one. Also, you're not the only one with problems so you're not going to get a pity party from me. If you don't have any friends, once again, check to see what you are doing. Stop blaming others!
I haven't taken anyone away from you, maybe you're the one who has pushed him away. You're not an innocent party here so don't try to act like you are. If you and Michael are having problems then that is something that was caused by either one of you or the both of you, not anyone else. It's up to you two to fix it and leave me out of it.
Please don't ever contact me again. Like I said, I was trying to be nice and stay out of this but you're bringing me into this and if you're going to try to blame me for all your problems instead of being an adult and admitting your mistakes, then you're not going to like anything I have to say.

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Postby aim » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:08 am

Aiko... sounds me to like Michael's really trying to be a friend to you. If you keep pushing the issue, he might disappear, hun.

Perhaps if you try to develop your own interests and group of friends at your school you won't be as focused on Michael... just a thought.

Hang in there, ok? And always remember that you are special and deserve someone who will always think of you first in this world.

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Postby aiko137 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:32 am

Well, I really don't feel like he is. And I don't want to talk to him about ground rules because the way I see it from the past, he'll just continue to brag about how happy he is with her subconciously which I hate because in the past with my other group of friends in HS that's all they did and they just basically rubbed it in my face.

And you don't think I haven't tried doing that aim, doing stuff I'm interested in? I have, but it's just NO ONE at this small college has the same interest as me. :cry:

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Postby aim » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:46 pm

(((((Aiko))))) I'm so sorry to hear about your predicament... I can understand that if your school is small, there are not many people who might carry the same interests as you. Have you looked elsewhere? Clubs, maybe?

Just a thought...

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Postby aiko137 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:46 pm

I've tried that before...twice. All the clubs here are either sports, which I can't do because I'm injured, and volunteer/social work, which I'm not interested at all. There is a fashion club here, but I tried getting into that and no one in the club does anything and the people there don't have the same interests as me. I thought by joining that club I would have a way to be creative, but since no one did anything I quit and that was the only creative club on campus. There aren't any art/creative clubs or anything. The only way for me to get into anything art is to take an art class as my elective, but since I came to school filling up my art credits I can't take it as an elective; I can only take the nessesary business classes for my major. :cry:

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Postby aiko137 » Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:10 pm

NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!!! It's been almost three months and no one has responded!!! Feel sorry about yourselves as I take this frustration on myself!

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