HAPPY JULY EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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HAPPY JULY EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Aurelia5 » Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:27 pm

I hope everyone is having a nice summer so far. It's a tad hot down here in New Mexico - over 100. But since it's the high desert, it cools off at night. Thank heaven!

Be safe on the fourth. All the drunks will be driving to the store to get more alcohol. Every cop will be running around trying to keep everybody from accidentally setting their neighbor's houses on fire. The fire department will be spread really thin. If you hear someone talking about M-80s, get away from them! We, down here in the desert, get our hoses all ready. There are ALWAYS brush fires on the fourth.

But most importantly - HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


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Same to You

Postby crystalgaze » Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:07 am

Hey A5! :-) Happy 4th to you too & every one who celebrates it!

Be safe & be well! Take care!

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Postby Monty » Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:43 am

I suppose that I am a few minutes late (my time) but I hope that all you Americans, enjoyed your fourth of July.

Actually got quite of bit about your country in the news today. I suppose the top one was about Palin, dropping the governorship.

The second was how the man at 64 hotdogs on Coney Island. That all done in 10 minutes. The guy has won three years in a row.

I suppose we also heard that there are a lot of towns not celebrating due to the recession. That a lot of places even cancelled the fireworks.

I am sure that you are all proud to be Americans, just like we celebrated our Canada Day with some of the pagentry. We went to free cake (shaped like the Canadian flag, but if you note the flag has a lot of red on it, as a result a lot of red food colouring. You could almost taste the dye. Plus it turned all or tongues a interesting shade of pink.

The fireworks lasted for about 15 minutes. Usually we go to the fireworks site where they are being shot off. This year we went to a site on the other side of the river. They were just as good from there. Also there was the time factor, we went to the site to park last year and it cost $5 a car for parking close. Took more than an hour and a half to "get out of the Parking lot".

It took me 17 minutes from the time the fireworks ended, until I dropped my friend oft at her apartment. Made it a lot more enjoyable.

It is quite late. I have a Michael Jackson story on the tv. Should help me to sleep better

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