My day....

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My day....

Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:42 am

Not sure where to put this post. Just a silly post I guess.

This morning, I made my coffee, went to sit on my back porch and had a talk with my father. Shared the morning sun with him, watched the birds busy flying in and out of the pine trees in my back yard/garden. Listened to the sounds of the neighborhood.

Watched the neighbors that live behind me getting the children into the van, heard the laughter, saw the love. All dressed and ready to make the day special for that father.

I had that talk with my father, how I wish I could have seen his face, heard his voice, felt his touch. I miss him.

I am the youngest of a large family. in my earlier life time, he called me 'girl'. Honestly thought that was my name for the longest time. But what rings clear and one of the most precious memory is what his finally words were. They were to me, 'I love you girl." Shortly after that he went into a comma and left us.

It has been awhile, but it does seems like yesterday. I live with my memories, hear his voice, his laughter and his shyish smile. My father will always be with me.

Life isn't easy, depression makes it even harder for some of us, We can reach inside ourselves and find that special something, to hold it close to our heart and not allowing it slip away. Inside each of us there is happiness, love and special moments to be shared, please do. Do this before it is too late Make the memories for you to draw on, to keep the love alive.

My father lives inside of me, in my mind and heart. I close my eyes and for that moment, he is with me again.

Like a rose, enjoy the beauty for it comes and goes so quickly.

Sorry for going on so and thank you for reading. Just needed to share and I am sure my father would understand.


living an adventure
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Postby living an adventure » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:41 am

That post made me tear up

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Postby georgiapeach » Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:22 pm

((((((((((((((( jeanie ))))))))))))))))))))))
wow, thats a really emotional post for me to read, or well i might just be super emotional all together today. thank you so much for sharing that tid bit of your life with us, i feel honored to beable to read it and get to know you better. im sure your father would be proud of you right now:D
love ya jeanie, stay strong.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:12 pm

(((((((((((((((((( living an adventure and Peachy ))))))))))))))))

Thank you for reading and replying. I had thought of deleting it but it was replied to, so I didn't.

Just me sharing, didn't mean to make any one cry.

Thank you again for letting me know the posting touched someone.


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Postby georgiapeach » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:00 pm

((((((((((((( jeanie ))))))))))))))))))
im happy you didnt delete it... also it was a good cry i had, it was joyful to get to know you better :D love ya lots.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:10 pm


That was a perfectly beautiful piece of writing. Living an Adventure wasn't the only one that got all teary-eyed. Dang.

You said something that is hugely important: make those beautiful memories before it's too late. I learned it the hard way. My family was never really huggy and kissy, but, as it turned out, some of them wished there had been more affection.

So what I learned is that the people you really love could be gone before the next sunrise, and that at your EARLIEST chance, tell them how much you love them. Just go get a card. Not an email, but a real card. And write a paragraph in there telling them that you love them and always have. That's all. That way, if they are gone the next day, you've already sent them on a happy way.

And you will sleep well that night.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:20 am

((((((((((((((((( A5 )))))))))))))))))))))))

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply.

That contact with someone you love is important, don't wait so late that you can do that. As you pointed out, they probably feel the same and no one is brave enough to take the first step.

Just needed to share my thoughts at that moment, thank you for allowing me to do so.


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Postby sauer_kraut » Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:34 am

living an adventure wrote:That post made me tear up
Me too...

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Postby dandelion » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:26 am

((((((((((((((((((( jeanie ))))))))))))))))))))))

A hug is all that i can offer

<3 <3

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Postby Monty » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:48 pm

I wish I had more time to reply, but I have to leave in just a couple of minutes to take my mom to an appointment.

To say that I am not having the greatest of days, is a pretty mild understatement.

Before I left I needed to tell you (it wouldn't wait until I got home) how much how posting about your dad meant to you. I think that you could almost see the sadness lift from my body.

I am 51, and it was only a couple of years ago I realized that what you said was very wise, and necessary for us all to do. To let those that are around us know just how much they mean to me.

It may seem kind of morbid, but when I say goodbye to friends, I treat the occasion as if it is the last time I am going to see them. I feel that lets me truly let them know, just how special they are in my life.

I think that probably all of the ones that I do this to I have said at one point or another "it may seem like I hug you, or tell you that I love you a lot. It is not just a mantra to me. I can honestly say that if it is the 100th time that I have told you that I love you, it is just as heartfelt as the first time.

Thanks, so much, for taking the time to write that post.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:50 pm

((((((((((((((((( Sauer_kraut)))))))))))))))

Did mean to make anyone cry, just my moment with my father, had to get it down in words, thank you for reading and understanding.

(((((((((((((((((( Dandelion ))))))))))))))))

Sweet lady, hugs are perfect, thank you for sending me one. It reall y helps.

(((((((((((((( Monty )))))))))))))))))

For those i love, my closest friends, my friends, (even my neighbors) I get a hug in to them. My way of showing my feelings I guess. Not morbid, for you never know what can happen tomorrow. My memories or should it be their memories will be we 'did' share a special hug.

Thank you for replying, so wish your day was better, perhaps it is by now.

An "I love you" or a hug never ever gets boring or not needed when it comes from the heart.

((((((((((((((((( Everyone ))))))))))))))) thank you for letting me share.


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Postby Monty » Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:07 pm


I was glad that I sent my previous post before I left. Like was said, you can never be sure what will happen in the next day,hour, minute or even second.

I think that it was special to me that on a rotten day, it seemed like a ray of sunshine shone through to my soul. Sounds corny I know.

I consider myself very fortunate that I have a few friends that I can give, and get back, the "full meal deal" when it comes to a hug. One of those hugs, is one that you really hold onto each other.That is not always appropriate but it means a lot to me when that happens.

I have not doubt if we had the chance to meet that there would be no doubt that we would get a "full meal deal hug".

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:57 am

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Monty ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

A huge hug to you.


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Postby Monty » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:35 am

Thanks for the hug Jeannie.

It was a good one.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:20 am

YW ((((((((((((((( Monty )))))))))))))))))

From the heart to you.

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