The Put A Smile On Your Face Post

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:01 am

Hey 100footpole. I will definitely check that out. thank you. Guess what there is another stray cat that showed up here. And it is gorgeous. It's a Flame Point Siamese. Argh ! I've wanted one of those kind of cats for a long time now but it is as wild as can be. He is so beautiful though. I've been trying to tame him but he sure is a challenge.

He shows up every night in my yard when it's just about dark and he is always starving and filthy. He will watch me as I sit out some food for him but he won't let me come anywhere near him.

Oh I can't wait to hold him. He has the prettiest bright blue eyes and soft orange ears and tail and a white body.

Yesterday when I looked out and seen him in the backyard sitting there waiting to be fed I got so excited that I put my snow boots on the wrong feet. ha ha

One of my favorite things in the whole world to do is take a cat that has never known human touch and show him what love means. I can't wait until the day he trusts me enough to hold him and let him sleep on my bed with me at night.

And it's nice to meet you CrazyKiss. I really like your name !! :)

Love and hugs to you both.

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Compare and Contrast

Postby 100footpole » Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:50 pm

I read your post, and thought how much happier that Siamese is to have met you. You do need to read a little about "The World Without Us" and then read your post to see the difference we can all make.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:34 pm

I did read that info about that book and thank you !!

Well, here I am on another feline adventure. I think I will call this one " The Further Adventures of a Goofball and a Stubborn Cat."

My sweet boy came back tonight but I have to admit I'm getting pretty impatient waiting on him to come around on trusting me enough. So instead of letting him come to me I decided to try to go to him. He hid from me underneath one of our building/sheds.

ha ha ...... so here I am on my stomach crawling underneath the building to him. On the filthy and COLD ground by the way praying to God not to come across any huge spiders :shock: ....while I can see his fuzzy, little orange nose and his eyes peek out from underneath a board at me. LOL I wonder what he was thinking now.

But oh my gosh is he beautiful. He has the most amazing , intense , deep blue eyes.

Anyway here I am talking really softly to him loaded with a bowl full of really good smelling leftovers from supper all still nice and warm for him. He doesn't trust me yet. He doesn't run too far from me he just sits at what he thinks is a safe distance.

Plus, oh geez here I am in this tight closed in space which I can't stand. I guess I am a bit of a claustrophobic. When low and behold here comes Oscar. Do you remember a few months ago I was trying to tame another stray cat ?? Well I got him 100% completely trained. But anyway here is Oscar who in no way shape or form wants to share any attention or food with another cat , so he plants his fat little, fuzzy butt right in front of the food bowl so the other cat can't get any. :x

The ground underneath the building gets kinda tight nit so I couldn't go back any further plus I still had Oscar's gigantic "butt brigade" blocking my way. I swear I think he was laughing at me.

I did pick up a piece of food and throw it back towards the stray and he gobbled right down. So hey maybe he will start associating me with being safe now. :lol:

Woohoo !!! Score one for me. :D But finally I had to give up because I was tired and cold so I wiggled back out underneath the building. My shirt and pants were filthy and I accidentally tore two holes in my clothes. But it was worth it if I made a bit of progress. :oops:

There was a cat that came here about three years ago and I tried so hard to tame him but I wasn't fast enough. I came really close though.

Then one day he showed up here and his leg was all torn up and had bite marks in it. He was limping and could barely walk right. I found out later from a friend of the family an older man who is friends with my father and works at my Uncles farm above us that he imagined a coyote got a hold of the cat. He said that the coyotes were killing some of the ones up at the farm.

It happened on the weekend when the vets were out of their offices so there wasn't much I could do. The cat was so weak he couldn't even run from me. I took him in my house and tried so hard to get him to hold on but he didn't make it.

It looked like the bones in one of his legs was crushed and he could have had internal damage. I swore to myself that I would never let another cat go through that ever again.

Living out in the country can be so harsh on a cat. That's why I need to tame this one desperately.

He makes me happy though whenever I see him. I just can't wait until I can hold him in my arms.

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Postby emily67 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:51 am

i'm listening to music.

and that's enough to make me smile

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:18 am

Hey there Emily. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for your response. I totally agree with you there. I LOVE music.

What is your favorite kind ?

Love and Hugs

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Postby emily67 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:46 pm

JonsDragonEyes wrote:Hey there Emily. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for your response. I totally agree with you there. I LOVE music.

What is your favorite kind ?

Love and Hugs

that's a difficult question, i like a lot of music

but, if i only had to choose 1 style of music that i would have to listen to for the rest of my life, i think i would choose rock.

artists like linken park, and disturbed can express emotions and feelings like you don't get in other styles of music

but my rule is, i'll listen to anything once (no matter the type). if i don't like it, then i don't have to listen again

i also have a way of liking songs, and not actual artists.

1 of the songs i like is my way by frank sinatra. but that's the only song i like by him

same with other artists too

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Hey Emily!

Postby 100footpole » Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:54 pm

Do you know what I love about your answer?

First you pose the hypothetical:
if i only had to choose 1 style of music that i would have to listen to for the rest of my life, i think i would choose rock.

But then you break out of that binary mode ...

but my rule is, i'll listen to anything once (no matter the type). if i don't like it, then i don't have to listen again

Then you end with a wonderful piece of wisdom:

1 of the songs i like is my way by frank sinatra. but that's the only song i like by him

same with other artists too

For me, listening to music is a communal activity. The genre doesn't matter, its the people I'm with. For instance, I really don't like recorded classical music. I can't listen to it on my own. But, I have friends who liked classical, and I enjoyed listening to them talk about what they like, and I have gone to the library and checked out CDs labeled "essentials of classical music" so I can talk to my friends. One of them couldn't go to the philharmonic ... and called me to give me tickets. The philharmonic concert was like going to a regular concert where everyone is really well behaved ... The only experience I'd had like it was seeing Nine Inch Nails ... when the guy I went with suggested that we sit way back and high... There was no one around to be rude. Later saw Trent Reznor and David Bowie live, concert was AWFUL. I like Rock, but not some of the fans who show up at big shows.

I don't buy much music anymore (I have a lot now ...), but I do enjoy listening with other people. For me the people set the mood, not the music. I hope you can keep your non-judgemental attitude your whole life. Cue John Lennon ... Imagine ...

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Postby emily67 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:25 pm


thanks for your post- i apreciate your comments.

just 1 thing i'm not sure on..

exilent peace of wizdom and frank sinatra

what did i say?

(well i know what i said, you quoted it). but you get my drift..

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Postby emily67 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:21 am

my smile for today was reading this story.

let me share it below:

It was snowing quite heavily when Cathy went to bed.  "I'm so glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow.  I'm really tired, and it will be a good time to
get some extra sleep," she told her mother.

Cathy went to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.  She did not awaken until she heard the phone ringing.  I wonder who that is so early in the morning?
she thought as she turned over to get some more sleep.

"Cathy, it's the hospital.  Some of the nurses are snowed in and can't get to work," her mother called to her daughter.

"I'll take the call," Cathy said as she crawled out of bed.

Cathy went to the window as she pulled on her robe.  It was snowing so hard that she could not see anything.  When she got to the phone, her mother said,
"We're snowed in.  It's like an old-fashioned blizzard."

Cathy took the telephone and talked to Linda, one of the night nurses.  "We can't leave until the day nurses get here, but only one of them will be able
to make it.  She lives a couple of blocks from here and can walk," Linda said.  "Is it possible for you to get here? One other nurse and I have offered
to stay for the next shift, but it would be good if we could have at least one nurse who's had a good night's rest."

"My mother just told me that our road is closed and that we are having a blizzard out here too," Cathy told the nurse.  "I don't think I could get there."

When Cathy heard the nurse groan, she said, "I just thought of something.  One of our neighbors has a snowmobile.  He used to work on a rescue team in
the mountains.  I'm sure he could get me there.  I'll call him, and then I'll let you know."

In a few minutes Cathy called the hospital back and reported that her neighbor would be glad to take her.  "He also said that if you wanted him to bring
other nurses in to work, he'd be more than happy to help out."

"Thanks a million!" the nurse said.  "I'll call some of the nurses and see if I can get more to come."

When Cathy got to the hospital and checked in, Linda hugged her and said, "You and your neighbor saved the day for us.  By the way, where is he?"

"He went to the cafeteria to get some coffee and a snack.  I got him out of bed this morning, and he didn't have a chance to eat breakfast."

When Cathy returned to the desk, Chuck, her neighbor, was standing there, writing down some addresses.  "Two of these live on the same street.  I think
I can get them on the same trip," he said.  "I'll call a couple of my friends who have snowmobiles.  I'm sure they will help."

"Thanks so much for being so ready to help out," Cathy said.  "You really are an answer to prayer."

"I'm always glad to be an answer to someone's prayer, especially when it's a pretty nurse," Chuck replied with a huge smile on his face.  "Call me anytime."

Chuck made several trips to bring nurses to work and then to take other nurses home after their shift.  Each time he got back to the hospital, he came
inside to get coffee or tea and to warm up.  Although Cathy was very busy, she tried to chat with him while he was there.  She did not know Chuck very
well.  He had been away at college for several years.  She had learned from a neighbor that he was a Christian and had worked part-time on a mountain rescue
team while in college.

"You don't know how much it means to the hospital and staff to have your help today," Cathy told Chuck one time when he was warming up.  "It's pretty hard
for nurses to work extra shifts, although some of them do it occasionally."

"I'm glad to help," Chuck told Cathy.  "I miss Colorado and the work I did on the rescue team.  We almost never get a snowstorm like this here, so I don't
get to use my snowmobile very much.  Dad wonders why I don't sell it."

Cathy had a busy day, trying to take care of uneasy patients.  Some of them were concerned that their doctors would not be able to come to see them.  Others
were unhappy because their families would not be able to visit them.

"Don't worry about the doctors," Cathy told them.  "We have a young man and some of his friends who are bringing staff members to work so that all of you
will be well taken care of.  As for your families, the roads should be open tomorrow, and they will be here to see you."

Cathy offered to work two or three extra hours, since the hospital was still understaffed.  It was late in the afternoon before she could go home.  Chuck
had assured her that whenever she was ready to leave, he would be there to take her home.

"How did you know what time I was getting off work?" she asked when she came out of the nurses' lounge later and found him waiting for her.

"I've been in and out much of the day, so I was able to keep tabs on you," Chuck answered.  "The other riders who've been helping me have volunteered to
be on call for the rest of the day and night, since I was here so early this morning.  Besides, I spotted a nice little cafe that's open, so I thought
we could stop for something to eat."

"I'd like that," Cathy said sincerely.  "I'd like to hear more about your work rescuing people.  I'll call my parents so that they won't worry about me."

There were not many people in the restaurant.  Cathy and her escort were able to find a booth away from other diners.  The owner waited on them and asked
about the snowmobile.  "I've been picking up and delivering nurses and doctors all day," Chuck said.  "This is one of the nurses."

"That's a great thing to do," the owner said.  "One hardly ever thinks about what happens to our hospitals at a time like this.  Thank you both for helping

After Cathy and Chuck ordered their meal, Cathy said, "I want to hear more about your work in Colorado, as well as what you'd like to do in the future."

Chuck's face was beaming as he told of the rescues he and the other members of his team had taken part in.  "My parents were not happy about my work, but
I finally convinced them that someone has to rescue people who might die if no one reaches them in time.  I had several opportunities to pray for the people
and even to witness to them.  They seemed to calm down and allow us to do the job we were there to do, without getting so agitated that is hindered our
rescue efforts."

After not saying anything for a few minutes, Chuck said, "As for my future, I haven't received my marching orders from God yet.  I've been reading about
the compassion of Jesus and how He continually reached out to people in need, like a shepherd who takes care of his sheep (cf. Mark 6:34).  Sometimes I
think I'd like to be a minister, other times a missionary.  I do want God's will for my life."

"I'll pray for you, and I do hope you'll pray for me since I am not sure about my future, either.  I love nursing, but I have felt that I could be used
more to reach people for Christ as a missionary nurse," Cathy said.

When Chuck stopped in front of Cathy's house, he said, "I'd like you to go to go to church with me Sunday and then have dinner with me so that we can talk
more about God's will."

"I'd like that very much," Cathy said with a smile.

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Postby emily67 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:57 am

my smile today is that i got to eat fresh sausge rolls for breakfast.

it's a rare treat that i get to eat sausage rolls fresh from the bakers and today i had some.

they are always so delicious

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Shout out to Star

Postby 100footpole » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:55 pm

Had a bad phone call today. A friend's fifth grade daughter is talking about cutting herself and suicide today. I tutor the daughter in math, so she wanted my perspective before she talked with the principal. I told her the principal is worried about "what". We both have some ideas about "why", but we don't know if they're right. So, the principal has to follow a "what" path that can be disturbing to a parent who already has some ideas about "why".

Star, I thought of you and your cats ... a definite "what" situation ... because we can know even less about the cat than we can from an intelligent fifth grade mind. All we can do is the things that feel right. My friend said ... Yes that's why we have faith.

On to my take on the "why". I remember in fifth grade how powerless I felt ... I thought I knew a lot of things, and it was annoying to be "held back". I remember writing capital Fs on a lot of my school papers and using the same sort of "F" that I saw written on all the walls and stalls before "uck". What a rebel. The fact that I knew what the "F" word meant gave me a feeling of power ... even though I REALLY didn't know what the F word meant ... and really still don't. I've gone from abusing it to just being confused by it.

This fifth grade girl is very similar to me in fifth grade ... in third grade she used to cry by the end of every math lesson ... saying she didn't get it. We're past all that, and now she learns the concepts, but she still doesn't "like" math. Anymore we have discussions about what "the same thing" means in math, since a lot of times I end up saying "Its the same thing" ... when she can't generalize ... She is a very verbal person, and the mom says she read a book about a girl who cut herself and wanted to kill herself, and that's where the idea came from. I tend to agree, because she likes drama, and tries to be manipulative in a sweet scary way ... like in the movie the Bad Seed.

So why is this on the smile post? Because I picture Star under the barn throwing food to the stray while Oscar claims most of the bowl. And I thought about what my friend said ... "Yes that's why we have faith." We can't control, but we can keep doing the right thing ... and in the long run things do work out ... even if the short run can feel eternally miserable ... And having lived long enough For (big obscene Fifth grade F) me to know that makes me smile.

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Re: Shout out to Star

Postby emily67 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:57 am

100footpole wrote:Had a bad phone call today. A friend's fifth grade daughter is talking about cutting herself and suicide today. I tutor the daughter in math, so she wanted my perspective before she talked with the principal. I told her the principal is worried about "what". We both have some ideas about "why", but we don't know if they're right. So, the principal has to follow a "what" path that can be disturbing to a parent who already has some ideas about "why".

Star, I thought of you and your cats ... a definite "what" situation ... because we can know even less about the cat than we can from an intelligent fifth grade mind. All we can do is the things that feel right. My friend said ... Yes that's why we have faith.

On to my take on the "why". I remember in fifth grade how powerless I felt ... I thought I knew a lot of things, and it was annoying to be "held back". I remember writing capital Fs on a lot of my school papers and using the same sort of "F" that I saw written on all the walls and stalls before "uck". What a rebel. The fact that I knew what the "F" word meant gave me a feeling of power ... even though I REALLY didn't know what the F word meant ... and really still don't. I've gone from abusing it to just being confused by it.

This fifth grade girl is very similar to me in fifth grade ... in third grade she used to cry by the end of every math lesson ... saying she didn't get it. We're past all that, and now she learns the concepts, but she still doesn't "like" math. Anymore we have discussions about what "the same thing" means in math, since a lot of times I end up saying "Its the same thing" ... when she can't generalize ... She is a very verbal person, and the mom says she read a book about a girl who cut herself and wanted to kill herself, and that's where the idea came from. I tend to agree, because she likes drama, and tries to be manipulative in a sweet scary way ... like in the movie the Bad Seed.

So why is this on the smile post? Because I picture Star under the barn throwing food to the stray while Oscar claims most of the bowl. And I thought about what my friend said ... "Yes that's why we have faith." We can't control, but we can keep doing the right thing ... and in the long run things do work out ... even if the short run can feel eternally miserable ... And having lived long enough For (big obscene Fifth grade F) me to know that makes me smile.

praying for everyone involved.

i really hope she gets the help that she needs and gets to talk to someone

this is a real thing and needs addressing

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:31 am

Hey there 100footpole. I really hate hearing about that young girl. That is SO young for something like that. It makes me feel like crying. The poor girl having to deal with that kind of pressure. When your that young you should be having the time of your life being a child. Your only a kid for such a short while. I wish there was something I could do to help her.

I'm glad my cat post about the stray and Oscar made you smile though. It does me too. Although I'm starting to get really worried about the other stray. He is starting to look pretty haggard and worn out. Tonight he was so filthy and exhausted looking and he had a huge bloody scratch on his right ear. I think the wild life is taking it's toll on him. The weather here has been so freezing too. Tonight it's about 5 above zero and supposed to get even colder in the next coming days.

Going under the building/shed was a crazy idea but it did work a little. I have him literally coming right up to my backdoor now but he still won't let me touch him or bring him inside where its nice and warm. :( It's so frustrating.

And thanks again Emily for your post on here. I love reading what you write. I liked your story and seeing about what makes you smile. Please keep posting here okay. :lol:

Love and Hugs to everyone

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Real and Fake

Postby 100footpole » Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:35 pm

Hey Star and Emily,

Can I do a downer post on a smile thread ... or what?

I meant for the post to be kind of happy. I really think that the girl picked up the idea from a book to get additional drama in her life. Which is a different problem than being 11 years old and wanting to mutilate yourself. So I posted on here, because this thread gives me peace.

Drama makes you lose perspective. There is a chance that the girl is really feeling that way ... making how myself and her mom feel about her part of the problem. There is a chance that the girl is just a bright little drama queen. In either case professional intervention is called for ... That is the what.

Star, I am not sure if the mom recognizes me as having issues or not ... my guess is no. Mom is a neighbor, and when her daughter was in second grade she was having trouble with math. I told her I would see if I could help her. She is a single mom, so after 3 years I get to provide another adult perspective. The lady met my son and thinks I know a little about parenting .... as if.... Value I am providing right now is just steadying the boat until the pros take over.

Since this is the smile thread ... I think everything will be fine. Just had some thoughts about opening a can of worms. If it is a can of worms, I will start posting on a different thread.... and I do think that there is valuable information from anonymous thoughts on anonymous posts ... In the meantime it feels good to feel helpful ....

Kittens and Puppies are real ... :lol:

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:32 pm

Hi there again 100footpole.

I don't mind at all that you posted that here. I want everyone to post on here however good/bad they are feeling and what they are going through in different life issues. Who knows maybe somehow in someway it could help someone who is going through what this girl is going through.

It's possible she is just going through the " drama" phase like you say but maybe she really does feel that way too. Being a kid these days seems like it's so much harder than when we were that young. So many different new pressures and obstacles. I hope she will be okay. I'm definitely thinking about her.

Big , big love and hugs

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