I need someone

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I need someone

Postby christianef » Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:44 pm

I have been suffering from social anxiety since i was born, bulimia for 2 years and depression for 3 years. I'm not even sure it is depression because i eat and sleep a lot. I attempted suicide 7 months ago since that i see a psychiatrist, after 6 months with antidepressiants i feel better yeah but i still have the same stucked (?) feeling. I don't want to be here. I go to highschool and my friends are dumb arrogants. My teachers always complain about me once a teacher wanted money from me because i never do homeworks. I never listen, read, write... Because i can't. My family is fcked up my mom was even angry with me when i attempted suicide. I just don't want to see these people anymore. Also, i lost my cat last month, he was the only beautiful thing in my life and i can not stop missing him and can not stop crying. I'm all alone now. I need someone to talk to. Doesn't matter who it is i just want somebody who suffered from the same things. If you know how can i connect with that person please tell me. Or if you read this and accept let me give you my tumblr or instagram or whatever. Thanks.

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Postby msross67 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:48 pm

You mentioned that you are taking Meds. Are you seeing a Therapist? High School is tough, and Teenagers can be cruel. Hang in there. You will make it out of High School. Is seems like you'll never make it out when you're there, but you will. I'm so sorry to hear about your Cat. When my Daughter lost her Puppy, I went out and got her a new one right away. That helped TREMENDOUSLY! You can adopt a Kitty for pretty much nothing at your local Shelter. Give them a call. Take care of yourself!!

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Postby WillieWillieHH » Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:14 pm

I agree with msross. You should seek a therapist. Try to go out and meet other people. Sorry to hear about your situation.

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Postby christianef » Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:23 pm

Thank you for replying i already see a therapist. I realised that i do all those things because i feel too lonely. So i try to talk to someone. I have a new cat by the way. Thanks so much for your suggestion

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:56 pm


I'm glad you got a new cat.

Computer ate my last message ... because you are digital literate I think you should create some sites of the cat being cute online ... but don't tell anyone. Link to other people with similar interests online too. Go for general friendships online, not a deep one. Look around for sincerity. It is out there.

The Internet is a great place to express yourself. Look at the pet pictures on depression.org. There are lots of people who love cats. I don't get the people who judge based on preferences .... so I just ignore them ... because that is my ultimate preference.

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Location: South West

Postby CrazyKiss » Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:46 pm

Hi there, ur not alone on here. Trust me. Everyone has had simlour expériences si dont worry. That must of been hard having people go at u. I know exactly how it feels. Thinking u have done wrong but u havent.

Its always good to have someone to talk to but u not said if u see a counseller or anything but if u do try confiding in them. You dont need to be on ur own and u have us. Im glad u still remaining social cuz u need people arou d u still other u will be completely isolated.

Have u thought about going on any confidence building workshops? That may be à good starting point as u wont need to feel anxious but more relaxer cuz other people would be in thé same boat. Have u looked at groups or clubs in and around ur area? Could u talk to ur doctor and get u in touch with them?

That would be good cuz u will be building up ur confidence and making friends but look out wether or not they have a mix age groups so u can relate to other young people or older people who Could understand more. Thats important there for u.

Could u try and do that? and as for school maybe u should take à back seat and try to purs thèse events in thé back of ur mind so u dont cause comflict or agro. Maybe u just need other people who will be there for u and attending groups or clubs will help u. When u see thé doctor go and speak to them about this and get them to contact thé organistation.

In thé mean time if u need anyone to talk to u can always use this site or contact the smartians by phone and they will listen to u.

Hope that helps.

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