Please note we are not professionals but are volunteers drawing solely upon our own personal experiences. If you are in crisis, or are feeling suicidal, we strongly recommend you contact a crisis line such as the Samaritans, your doctor, therapist or a hospital immediately.
Welcome to the Depression Forums
These forums are dedicated to depression, anxiety and other related health issues. Whilst including health sections, these forums also include areas that allow you to casually introduce yourself, as well as some more off-topic and community related material.
If you are unfamiliar with the concept of how forums work in general, please refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. The FAQ section details everything from how to register, to general posting to sending private messages.
Please Note:
– To help avoid automated spamming of these forums, you are required to register before you are able to post.
– Please use the navigation panel that appears at the top of each page to visit other sections of this website (for example the depression chat rooms, information centre, gallery and so forth).
Etiquette Guide
We do not wish to impose a multitude of rules and conditions as to what is acceptable on these forums. We believe to do so would hamper communication and expression, often at times when it is crucial to convey feelings clearly and precisely. In order for us to maintain this stance we ask that you are conscious of others feelings at all times, and show appropriate respect. To summarise, we ask you to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
In order to avoid any confusion as to what is acceptable on these forums, we have compiled the following simple etiquette guide:
– You are expected to show consideration, understanding and respect to others at all times.
– We do not tolerate the use of strong profanities, or posts of a sexually explicit nature. Such content can often be disturbing to others and will be immediately removed.
– These forums are intended to help support those with depression and other related health issues. The glorification of suicidal thoughts or tendencies, and/or the glorification of self injury (either by written text or the entry of links to other websites), will not be tolerated and your post will be deleted.
– It is required that you use a single registered username whenever you login; this is to help promote trust with fellow users. Please ensure you keep a record of your username and password.
– Advertising, or the promotion of any other similar forums or chat rooms is prohibited. Any such activity will result in an immediate ban.
Welcome to these forums, and to Depression Understood.
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