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Propranolol Beta Blocker for Anxiety ...HELP:(

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:02 pm
by mrsnoneck2k2
Hi all hope you all okay x

Has anyone been taking these tabs for Anxiety ...I been told of my doc to take one 40mg tablet up to 3 times a day as needed. However they make me very breathless.I am not asthmatic though....any ideas folks xx[/list]

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:47 am
by Obayan
We each have a different physiology and will react to the same meds differently. It normally takes on average about 6 weeks to feel the full affects of a med. There are some side affects sometimes, but they generally tend to go away. It takes a trained professional to find the right med/dosage/combination to fit your specific needs.

Re: Propranolol Beta Blocker for Anxiety ...HELP:(

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:48 pm
by Prycejosh1987
Too much dosages can be worse for health. It can cure the anxiety, but it makes the body more dependant on them and it causes higher rates of side effects. But cautious and work on taking less and finding balance. Medication is half the journey, the other half is the steps you take to destroying the triggers. I would not advise this but i take 7.5mgs of olanzapine now, at first it didnt do much but over time it has gotten better. I sleep same amount of hours and i do not overthink so much and also i do not hear voices loud as usual. It has taken time but it worked for me. I am not saying do this, but i am saying explore options and be determined to come of medication or at least lower the dosage.

Re: Propranolol Beta Blocker for Anxiety ...HELP:(

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 7:21 am
by Arthur Hayes
Thanks for this post Omaar bhai