Major Depression && Alternative Medicines?

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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Major Depression && Alternative Medicines?

Postby Friday13 » Mon May 04, 2009 6:17 pm

Theres this shop in my town what sells herbs and alternative medicines for all kinds of things and depression included.

I dont like taking my meds so has anyone tried anyting alternative that they would recommend me to buy or advice me on anything i should not bother with?

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Postby aim » Thu May 07, 2009 12:52 pm

Hey Friday! I've never tried them myself, but I've heard good things about St. John's Wort. It's an herbel antidepressent. Perhaps you could look it up to learn more about it? You could also ask the shop owner, as, people who open up shops like that often have a sincere interest in it. You could also run it by your doc. I wouldn't take anything that I haven't looked into first - but herbel remedies are generally pretty safe, I think. Please know that it just my opinion - I'm no doctor - I wish you luck with that!

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Postby Friday13 » Thu May 07, 2009 4:02 pm

thanks but ive already heard of st johns wort, many people have told me about it but its meant for only minor depression. i was looking for something more effective

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Postby aim » Thu May 07, 2009 7:22 pm

Wish I knew more... like I said though. Maybe ask the owner of the store? I'm sure he or she would be able to help you with information. Good luck!!

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Postby Monty » Mon May 11, 2009 6:02 pm

I was in a support group for depression a few years ago.

We had a speaker come in once to talk about some of the alternative therapies that are available for depression.

She really emphasized the point that the herb meds, can interfere with the stuff that your doctor has prescribed.

Would ditto the comment about checking with you doctor, or pharmacist (think their knowledge about drugs is not utilized by those of use taking meds) before going ahead too far with them.

They can interact. When I was on the pill, had to make sure that none of the meds that I was taking, interfered with my wish not to become pregnant at that time.

No on wants a, ooops.

Sometimes the doctors don't tell you all this stuff.

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Postby Friday13 » Tue May 12, 2009 4:43 am

no if i go on herbal meds its instead of my prescribed anti depressants.
I dont want them thats why im looking into others.
know any which work?

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Postby Monty » Tue May 12, 2009 10:53 am

I have several friends that have gone the herb route.

Am not sure what they are taking. They do say that seems to be the definite way to go.

I am going my pdoc meds way. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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Postby Friday13 » Mon May 18, 2009 7:53 am

plz ask ur friends for me x

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Postby Monty » Sat May 23, 2009 1:41 am

I know that a lot of them go the St.John's Wort way and that kind of stuff. Too dangerous for me.

From what I have heard, if you take some of these herbs you are not sure what potency it has.

It is like when you smoke pot, it is not all created equal.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sun May 24, 2009 7:33 pm

Hi 13
There is another thing you can try. Let me preface it by telling you that the B-complex vitamins create the most noticable difference in a person's health. So. One of, if not the best, source of the B-complex is brewers yeast. You get it at a health food store. Try to get Lewis Labs, it doesn't taste as horrible as some of the others. You'll need to take two heaping tablespoonfulls of it at least once a day, and the trick is to find something to mix it in that you can gag down. I use V-8 shaken up with chopped ice.

But the thing about it is that it makes every part of your body feel soooo much better, that you will even start coming out of your depression. It also will jump-start your libido in some cases too. It did mine. Most people have some form of deficiency of the B vitamins - alcohol can create a deficiency. If you're going to drink, do your yeast at least 4 hours before or after - the alcohol ruins it.

Don't let anybody tell you "Oh, you only need B-6 or B-12", no, they work together and doing too much of one will cause deficiencies in others. The yeast comes in tablet form, but you'd have to take about 16 a day at least, and that gets expensive. Just get a small jar of the yeast and go all the way through it, even if it's awful. It will make you feel really good. And like Monty says, it won't interfere with any other meds you may be on.

Good luck, let us know how it is after you've been on it a week or so. Hey, if I can drink it down, you can too.


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Postby aim » Sun May 24, 2009 8:33 pm

Wow, A. Didn't know any of that... yeast huh? Amazing that seemingly simply things can make such a difference in people's lives... so, how bad is the yeast to ingest, anyway?

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Postby Aurelia5 » Sun May 24, 2009 8:57 pm

Hi Amy ~
I'm in another slow burn over losing another really good letter. Half of it was to you. Part of it had to do with you going into sales for a new career. If you find it, let me know. Otherwise I'll tell you the whole thing all over again.

Anyway, oh yeah, it can't be any old yeast, it has to be brewers yeast. There are a bunch of different brands and some, I wish I could remember the names, are just ghastly. Lewis Labs - white container with gold writing, says it has "Superb taste" is the easiest one I've found, and I used to work in a health food store. It's not particularly the taste, it's just two whole tablespoonfulls thats hard. But after you start feeling so good, you get used to the taste and just slam it down. Ask your health food store if they by chance have any samples. They may have a jar of it open. Or a restraunt that specializes in health food. It's really not all that bad.


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Postby aim » Tue May 26, 2009 8:30 pm

a5 - please post your link again, ok? Haven't been able to run into it, and I want to read it!!

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Postby mblount » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:48 pm

Trust me I tried St John's wart and their is no herb that is going to treat
a mental illness.

I have twin 18 year old boys that suffer from depression,anxiety and panic attacks.
Two pills that have helped are Pexeva and Coreg. We have been to numerous Doctors and
finally found one that would be confident enough to try different medications. They are
also on extended Xanax and Gabpentin. They started college this year and have battled this
mental illness since 6th grade. One of the twins is still struggling with depression and
the Doctor prescribed some kind of Light made by Apollo that is supposed to help with depression.
He has only tried it for a week so we are not sure if it is going to help. Before u run out
and buy one wait to hear from me because it cost $ 150 dollars and I am skeptical.

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Postby laneebm » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:24 am

St. John's Wort isn't meant to help major depression I understand.. I have major depression. I've tried it before.. Doesn't help near enough.. And it can interact with some of the med. from the Doctor.. As for other herbal stuff, I don't know.. Hope this helps.. Lanee..

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