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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:37 pm

Okay, so I'm still playing FFVIII....

Some of my other strategies include:

8. Knocking out all my characters, except the one I want to level up at the time.

I did this early on, after the 1st mission before Squall (main character) becomes a SeeD.... I wanted Diablos early, so I could Mug enemies, especially the bosses at the end of Disc 1.

Since it's pretty early, the only bonuses you can get are maybe Strength & Magic Bonus, so that's what I equip.

Later on, before/after the Galbadia mission, where Irvine joins, & being in prison, there are other bonuses you can equip like Spirit & HP Bonus.... If you have Rosetta Stone handy, you can equip up to 4 Bonuses at a time.

9. Using a Pocket Station to level up Boko, so he can kick some butt if you don't wanna level up per se! (& grab items, hack with Rewrite ID, if you don't have a good ID, so you can have a better chance at obtaining rare items;

In order to hack with Rewrite ID, you have to have a PS2 that can be hacked. I used a brand new PS2 memory card, which is cheap now, & the Sony Memory Card Adaptor for PS3 with the Noobie Package for Free McBoot, I believe it's called. Worked like a charm & believe it works on both Windows & Linux.... Finding the files can be a little mini-adventure, but it's worth it & they can be secured.)

The Pocket Station is purely optional, but it was classic, as my Mom was quite curious about the device. She asked me if it were a phone & whether I get calls on it. It was absolute rofl, but her idea was not bad.... I didn't laugh at her, though.... (I mean, that's my Mom after all & hey she plays games on her NDS.)

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:32 pm

I put down the Pocket Station and I put down FFVIII..... For some reason, I guess I lost interest, just with FFVII... Jeez....

I'm on Disc 3 & haven't fought the masculine-looking sorceress with the red hair yet (the one with the body art).(Oh forgive me.... I can't remember her name. Was it Sorceress Adel maybe? Hum.... I'm really foggy.)

I did go through an old SNES game called Arcana and was thoroughly captivated. I may very well beat the game again for the second time.....

Maybe I'll get back to FFVIII later....

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:40 am

I feel like playing FF VII again. I really do wish they would remake it (the entire game) with updated graphics so it would be as beautiful or even more so as Crisis Core was on PSP.

If I do get around to it, I'm going to play it differently this time.

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Postby LeoMegz088 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:08 pm

I play a few different games on facebook. Usually sit here all day and play, if I don't have anything else going on. I also have a Steam account...but need an updated graphics card for most of the games. Just recently got into Maple Story. Cute game. And I do play the 360 on occasion.

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Postby WillieWillieHH » Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:36 am

just this fast few days, i started playing FFIX again.

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