I have a pretty weird phobia..

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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I have a pretty weird phobia..

Postby belial216 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:03 am

I'm not even sure if there's a name for it. I hate hate hate leaving an impact on people whether good or bad. A woman once told me that no matter what you do you leave an impact on someone, so I've already accepted that fact that I'm screwed in that department.. & I can't kill myself cause that would leave a bigger impact on people that anything. Ugh.. I'd just.. rather not be remembered. Not even in a good way.

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Postby Obayan » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:52 am

I'm not really sure how to address this one.... I mean, we make an impact even when we dissassociate. I think if it was me, I would find the one type of impact that would be less stressfull for me to leave behind. Like, i really enjoy makeing people smile. So I go out of my way to find ways to accomplish this. For some, I cook. For others, i make things like blankets, quilts, food jars (canning), etc... If there is no other option, if there is no way i can avoid makeing an impact, then i'd make sure it was the impact that would make me feel like the kind of person i want to be.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:15 am

Just a hello to you Austin! Hope you're doing ok! Just a shout!

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Postby belial216 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:16 am

I'm quite done caring what happens anymore. Just going to roll with the punches while remaining as detached as I can.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:01 am

(((((((((((((( belial216 )))))))))))))

There is a place on the forums that list Phobia's. Not sure if it that is in there or not, just letting you know.

Taking one day at a time, 'rolling with the punches' is some times the only thing we can do.


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Re: I have a pretty weird phobia..

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:38 am

belial216 wrote:I'm not even sure if there's a name for it. I hate hate hate leaving an impact on people whether good or bad. A woman once told me that no matter what you do you leave an impact on someone, so I've already accepted that fact that I'm screwed in that department.. & I can't kill myself cause that would leave a bigger impact on people that anything. Ugh.. I'd just.. rather not be remembered. Not even in a good way.

Think carefully about what you say. I believe that you will always leave an impression on somebody, but not always an impact. Theres a major difference. Impressions are how people read you as a person and impacts are things you do that stick on a person. Impressions are first thoughts and feelings but impacts can be things that are emotional and physcological and leave a longer effect. But watch what you say. I would say that having a good impact on somebody is a good thing. It can help form a positive relationship between you and the person you have impacted.

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