Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

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Postby Obayan » Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:37 pm

(((( crystal )))) I think you are just fine the way you are hon.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:54 am

I did quite a bit yesterday, I think....

It was: wash the cars; clean the back + front porch; sweep mop most of the house, except for 3 areas and a piece of a 4th area.

To put the sweeping and mopping in perspective, it was:
1. the hallway,
2. the bathroom,
3. and the bedroom on the one side,
4. the area by the bookshelf, part of the area by the TV (under the one couch),
5. the walkway strip that connects the TV area to the rest of the house,
6. the kitchen,
7. the free space in the other hall way,
8. the bathroom floor of the other area,
9. front porch
10. and back porch + stairs.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:55 am

(((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))))

Such an organized person, you really are. People can learn from you. Thank you for sharing.


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Postby lisalou » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:02 pm

Crystal honey,can i hire you as my housekeeper? I can only pay you in cups of herbal tea and it would not do your heart any favours to see the state of my place but otherwise I think it would be a marvellous arrangement!

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Postby Jaymn » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:43 am

I put all of my things into my own personal place. It is only a dresser that I have. That's the only private place/thing i've got in this house. I don't know why I didn't think about this sooner but I feel somewhat better since I have a place were no one can get to. I don't have a room and sleep on the couch if you don't know what i'm talking about. :oops: I used to leave stuff laying around like my wallet :shock: , and reciepts, other important things around the house. But now I got them put up. That helps me to keep the living room easy to clean now also. 8)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:39 pm

Getting organized soon!


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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:02 am

Yay! I'm glad to see some things are working out for us! That's absolute yay! & Lisa, of course, I wouldn't mind helping ya out, if I ever got the chance!

I wouldn't be worried about how it looks; I think it's more of a how can we make it more manageable & comfortable, so you feel good in it.

I'm glad I started posting about cleaning. It has helped me get through some of my issues with it. Also, it's made me rethink a lot of things about having "stuff".

It's really no fun when you don't have any place to put it!
(((((((((((((((( everyone ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

& Warmie, thanks for the compliment above!


The Week in Review

Last week, I did a crap load of laundry. I washed the cars Friday and Saturday after the hurricane (although the one I drive looks like I didn't do anything with it at all). Of course, I played a lot as well. I did some dishes.... and more again today, especially since I'm more serious about clearing off the kitchen counter.


Major Project: Completing my parents' move downstairs

There's a really big project coming up soon for me.... I am actually going to attempt to either get rid of some furniture &/or move it downstairs. The problem I have with "my space" is that it isn't really MY SPACE. (D'oh!)

We have been in this indecisiveness for a while now. At 1st, the issue was who was moving downstairs. After a LONG time of feet-dragging on their part & some setbacks, I simply made the decision for them. (I'm staying upstairs; they're staying downstairs, due to health reasons and not being as young anymore.)

Now after much lollygagging on their part (yet again), I've simply decided for them again.

My ultimate goal is that most of everything is moved downstairs or discarded by the end of the year. There are a few things that will remain. The major reason for the move is to maintain my sanity, make things easier for me to keep the place clean, and finally, it's not my stuff & if I can help it, I want it out of here.

If they procrastinate and there has been no real attempt to get things done, I will move their stuff down, pack it up in the back room (whether they like it or not) and they can deal with it when they "feel" like it. I guess I am in a bit of a panic because all I see is my life passing me by, no matter how I swing it & it's more than time for it to stop. (I'll reach 30 & still not have gotten back on my feet!?!)

I think they really intended to leave all of their stuff up here on me, but it is not going so. It will basically be me, by myself, moving to get the job done. I will see if I can call in a crew for the furniture.

Maybe it is too extreme on my part but I would like to secure & arrange my space to help in the moving on with my life. I'm not sure I would be able to do all this moving & stuff, after I started working or returned to school. It will be intensive, but the result will make it worth it.


Immediate Project: Clearing the Couches (Packing Away Laundry), Table, & Kitchen Counter'; Maintenance Cleaning

Monthly Project: Moving my stuff back upstairs & clearing out this space in the living room of the furniture, et al (not mine), so I can have a large enough area to exercise. (Where I was going to exercise is really too small & cramped..... Some stuff would have to move out of that room, so there is enough space.)

& here ends a really long post!!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:19 am

(((((((((((((((( crystalgaze )))))))))))))))))))

You need to write a book with all your thoughts, ideas, etc. Thanks for sharing as you do.


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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:48 am

I did some dishes, organized a cabinet my Dad helped me clear out, got some stuff up off of the counter, got together the trash.

I have 1 more section of the counter to clear off so I can clean it..... I'm taking a break at the moment because I'm beat.... I have a slight headache.... (Ouch.)

The telephone man may have to come by and do some work on the porch.... The porch is not that dusty, but I may very well sweep it + mop it. It hasn't been mopped, since the hurricane weather anyway & so it could take some cleaning....

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Postby hollyann » Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:28 pm

If I was half as organized at you I'd have it made. lol thanks for sharing.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:39 pm

I try.... Ah, I really try.... It's just that it COMES BACK!!! :lol: If the dust only came once a month! ((((((((((((((hollyann))))))))))))))))) :)

Well... I wasn't planning it, but I ended up doing the front porch, the back porch + sweeping the kitchen + bathroom..... I may do a little later, but I'm not sure about that....

Oh & the headache went away! It was food related.... I guess I just haven't been eating enough.... ( Can you believe that?! :shock: I can never gauge how much is enough! >.< )

It's raining... Yayyyy! (Woohoo!) (I don't know why I'm excited over the rain... but at least, I'm not sulking like the other day, right, SO THAT'S GOOD!!)

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Postby Obayan » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:42 pm

((( crystal )))

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:34 am

(((((((((((((((( Obayan!! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :D

Now, that's a great big hug in return! :lol:

This morning has been strange so far.... The day that I actually got up & decided to do something early early in the morning, my parents came up to get some stuff, just as I was about to mop the floor. I thought it was ironic.

I still got some of the sweeping + mopping done. (bathroom floor, kitchen floor, parts of the living room, the future exercise space, part of the hallway)

The bathroom sink + the commode.... (wiped them down)

I finally got to the shower walls..... I used this thing my mom had lying around called an action scrubber by Scrubbing Bubbles....The shower wall was easier to deal with using it for whatever reason. Before I take a break for a while, I'm going to try to get the tub done....

(I'm dreading the tub because it is usually back-breaking....)

Edit: Well, my back is still intact (for now). :lol: I am gearing myself up to sweep + mom the sides of the house I missed.... (I really don't want to be dragging too much dust back + forth to where I just cleaned.) I will take my break now....

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Postby hollyann » Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:53 pm

wait there is dust? oops

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:21 am

:lol: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hollyann ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Yeah, unfortunately, the dust comes back because the house is near the road. It's smack-dab on the corner & as much as I keep the windows closed most of the time, dust still creeps back onto the floor.


Good news: I've finally managed to persuade my Dad to do something about the bookshelf. He'll probably clean it sometime this year. Almost every roach I've seen (dead or alive or sick) has been near his bookshelf--not near the trash or in the kitchen--so he said he'll check it out to see if he can see anything.

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