Your Pet May Predict Your Personality

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Your Pet May Predict Your Personality

Postby dandelion » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:01 am

Your Pet May Predict Your Personality
Study Shows 'Dog People' May Be More Outgoing, 'Cat People' More Creative
By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Jan. 14, 2010 -- Are you a " cat person" or a " dog person"? Even people who don't own either pet tend to self-identify as one or the other, and the answer may say something about their personalities, a study shows.

As a rule, dogs are more social and eager to please, while cats are more introverted and curious.

In the new study, self-described cat and dog people appeared to share these traits.

"Even though we have this widely held idea that dog people and cat people are somehow different, we haven't really known how they are different and previous research has failed to tell us," psychologist and study researcher Sam Gosling, PhD, of the University of Texas at Austin, tells WebMD.

He believes this is because earlier studies examined personality differences in cat and dog owners, failing to account for the fact that a dog person may actually own a cat and vice versa.

As part of a larger online personality survey, Gosling and colleague Carson J. Sandy, asked about 4,500 people if they considered themselves dog people or cat people.

The 44-question survey delved into the five dimensions of personality thought to encompass the spectrum of personality types:

Conscientiousness. Common behaviors include self-discipline, sense of duty, and a tendency toward planned vs. spontaneous behavior.

Extraversion. Tendency toward being gregarious, enthusiastic, positive, and energetic.

Agreeableness. Includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and sociability.

Openness. Includes traits such as appreciation for the arts, curiosity, creativity, and nontraditional thinking and behavior.

Neuroticism. Includes characteristics such as being easily stressed, anxious, or easily worried.

"In terms of personalities I would say Woody Allen is at one end of this spectrum and the "Dude" from the Big Lebowski is at the other," Gosling says.

Forty-six percent of those who took the survey identified themselves as dog people, while 12% said they were cat people. Twenty-eight percent said they were both and 15% said they were neither.

Cat People vs. Dog People
According to the findings, self-identified dog people were 15% more extroverted, 13% more agreeable, and 11% more conscientious than cat people.

Cat people were about 12% more neurotic and 11% more open than dog people.

"These are not huge differences," Gosling says. "There are certainly many, many cat people who are extroverts and many, many dog people who aren't."

But he adds that the findings may have broader implications in the field of pet therapy, suggesting that personality screening may help match people in need with the most appropriate animal.

The study will be published later this year in the journal Anthrozoos.

Film producer Susan Williams, of Atlanta, owns a dog and two cats, but she is firmly entrenched in the canine camp.

"Neither of my cats likes me much because they know I don't get them," she says.

Her 9-year-old daughter, Ella, on the other hand, could probably qualify as a '"cat whisperer."

"Outside the house I rarely see a cat because they know I'm a dog person, but any cat within a block of her will find her."

Williams says she definitely believes dog people, as a rule, are more extroverted and agreeable and that cat people are more introverted.

"I'm a flight, not fight person," she says. "To avoid an argument, I'll agree with you if you tell me the sky is green."

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:49 am

((((((((((((( Dande )))))))))))))))))

Interesting, and hmmmmmmm. I know my cat Ebony, his behavior and this makes me wonder. LOL


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Postby dandelion » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:04 am

(((((((((((( Jeanie )))))))))))))

ummmm...... I think i am cat person, i know that my cat has the same personality as me and everybody at my moms house knew about that, hehe


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Postby -Stephen- » Sat May 29, 2010 8:40 pm

((((((((( Jeanie, dandelion ))))))

I'm adopting a dog... I wonder if her character will shape mine, and hers mine? It's interesting! The things the mind ponders on sometimes. And what a true mystery the human mind is!


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Postby aim » Sat May 29, 2010 8:56 pm

OH. MY. GOD. If that is true, I am a lunatic!!!! ;-)

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Postby aim » Sun May 30, 2010 4:37 pm

I think dogs do help shape us. They also make us feel better in so many ways. Actually, not just dogs but our pets in general. When we are down, they give us a reason to get up and face the day. When we don't feel like getting out of bed, they make us - either having to go out or to eat. Pets are wonderful...

I'm sure your adopted dog will be your best friend, Stephen. :-)

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Postby aim » Sun May 30, 2010 8:55 pm

Come to think of it... although our dog is a crazy girl, she does have her moments when we are lying there with her, and she is just happy being lazy and with us. Hm. Maybe we are beginning to shape her a bit!

Thanks for making me think, Dandelion!!!

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Postby Obayan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:44 am

I am a cat person. I have 2 cats.

Jane is a lover. All she wants to do is sit in your lap and be petted all day long.

Spike is viscious. I swear this little kitten surgically removed her own claws and instered razor blades. Her fave two spots are either on my shoulder as i'm typing on the computer or on top of the screen looking down at what i type.

Coudn't make it without either of them.


OH, also, jane give hugs. Puts both paws on each side of your neck and snuggles her head into your shoulder. And spike gives kisses. Puts a paw on each side of your mouth and rubs her lips across yours.

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Postby Jeanne » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:39 am

Cat person for sure. Dogs are too needy for me. I ned a pet that I can pet to calm me down and then they go on their day without me. Dogs always need something, food or water that they can't catch on their own, taken out for a walk, played with. Hate tripping over them in the house. Cats are low maintenance. Low pressure on me.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:37 pm

((((((( Obayan and Jeanne )))))))))))))))

Love my cat, Ebony, he is my calmer downer, understands me, my moves, my words. Like a small human in a cat's body, almost.

He is part of my everyday, without him, I would be lost. Know that much.


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Postby aim » Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:28 pm

Hey Obanyan - good luck with that cat!!! Sounds scary! I think that's why, even though I grew up with a cat, I prefer my doggie now.

But you are soooo right, Jeanne. Dogs are excessively needy. This dog of ours is more like a child than an animal! I even have to find babysitters when I'm working late or going away. Thank God for the people downstairs from me!!!

I remember growing up with our cat, Murphy. My brother and sister were NOT very nice to him. I was the one who fed him and paid attention to him when the love of his life, my father, was not around. So... Murphy retaliated. He pooped in my sister's clothes. He would claw at the ankles of both my brother and sister when the ran up the stairs to the second floor of the house. Boy... did I cheer him on!!!

Just thought you cat lovers would appreciate that story. And oh yeah... we had to keep the bedroom doors closed because Murphy would answer the phone when it rang and the phone would be busy for hours! He was a smart guy.

He broke my dad's heart by dying of liver disease about ten years ago. My poor daddy... buried him in the backyard in the pouring rain that night. He was a cool cat. :-)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:46 pm

((((((( Obayan )))))))))))

Yet to get a picture of the new kitty. Spike!!! Living up to his name???

Have had dogs aim, just not going to have both, don't think Ebony would approve.


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Postby Obayan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:25 pm

Spike has about doubled in size. My shoulder and legs are all tore up from her claws. She loves climbing on mommie. I'll never make hte mistake of wearing shorts around spike again..... She terorizes the older cat. So funny to see this big 12 pound grown cat run from the tiny itty bitty kitty and yelling at her all the way thru the house. She seems to think the only way she's gonna get any food is to stick her whole head into the dish (up to her ears!) so after each meal i have to wash her face and neck with a warm cloth. And you know saturdays are my day to keep the grandbaby..... well, they are best friends! The only time spike won't sleep with me is when the baby is here. Sunday I woke up and they were both curled around eachother in the crib. My grandson doesn't speak yet, but he imitates perfectly. He looks at spike and purrs. He looks at Jane and hisses. LOL Sunday and monday are spent trying to convince spike that crying at the door won't make the baby come back over to play. But the worst part is, i'm gonna have to lock them both up in my room (granted it's a huge room 21x21) for a week while my dad is here. According to him cats are evil incarnate. But then again, so am I. So :P

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:41 am

((((((((((((( Sharon ))))))))))))

Ahhh, the memories of Ebony. 8 days old is the age when I took him in, fit in my pocket.

He is well at 15 pounds plus, a large Bombay cat, and he still thinks he can lay across my shoulders, or climb up me as if I am a ladder. I get upset with him when he wants to play, for playing equals biting and not letting go. which hurts like crazy and leaves some lovely scars. Loves to 'sneak attack', LOL sure you get that as well.

He still takes me for who I am, and he does show love, that which can't be taken away and given to another. If people in my life were more like that, but, LOL, not so.

Love to you and your cats....from Ebony and Warmie

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