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Postby Sequin » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:57 am

Hello, I dunno whether this is the right place to post this, but that’s okay.

I’ve been procrastinating so many things lately, and I’m just wondering if anyone else has this problem.
I’ve been procrastinating assignments, small tasks, eating, and sleeping.

Everyone procrastinates, but I feel it has gotten to the point where it has become a huge problem. I waste time and no matter how hard I try, I always get off track from whatever I’m doing. For example, if I’m working on an assignment, after five minutes or so I’m on my phone or staring at the ceiling. I literally spend around six hours procrastinating and I don’t know how to stop.
Even eating, I don’t have breakfast or lunch anymore. I know that my mental illness also contributes to my poor eating habits but even if the food is right in front of me I just waste time and do something else. Please help me lmao.

If anyone else experiences this, please let me know.

Ily all <3.

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Re: Procrastination

Postby koala » Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:44 am

well hello there!! i hope you're doing better than neveeer✨ i've been on the same situation. i hate eating and i feel like doing nothing. i did ignore all of my homework and everything, and ofc i ignore myself, how i feel. until at some point i realize that this feeling made me moody and else. so i try to stay productive, i watched some movies, workout such as yoga or cycling, baking, etc. i do what i like, put aside my feeling and start doing what i like. i know this may not work on everyone, but this does made me feel better. so i hope u will feel better like i did. you did great, keep going okay!
cheer up!!! u deserve to be happy

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Re: Procrastination

Postby Sequin » Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:41 am

koala wrote:well hello there!! i hope you're doing better than neveeer✨ i've been on the same situation. i hate eating and i feel like doing nothing. i did ignore all of my homework and everything, and ofc i ignore myself, how i feel. until at some point i realize that this feeling made me moody and else. so i try to stay productive, i watched some movies, workout such as yoga or cycling, baking, etc. i do what i like, put aside my feeling and start doing what i like. i know this may not work on everyone, but this does made me feel better. so i hope u will feel better like i did. you did great, keep going okay!
cheer up!!! u deserve to be happy

Hi hi! Thanks so much for responding :o).
Your advice has really helped me and in a short amount of time I’ve already noticed some improvements.
You also deserve to be happy and I truly hope your days have and will be good! :o))

If you ever need to talk or rant, I’ll be here!!

Ily <3

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Re: Procrastination

Postby CamGirl » Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:51 am

Hi there. I hope you're well. It's hard dealing with what you're experiencing. I've been there before and it was bad. I felt like I was wasting my time, but I'm just watching myself do it anyway. But I tried so hard to have motivation, something to look forward to. Figured if there's someone who could help me, it should be myself.

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Re: Procrastination

Postby dc123!! » Tue Mar 30, 2021 7:27 pm

I hope this may help. In the current enstranged world procrastination may be needful. Please understand to a large extent when the contemporary world news delves so much in recent heartache much of what we may feel to be just about our lives and no one else's often comes back to us as a misunderstanding. When the world is suffering, we often also suffer. But if one tries sometimes to truly relate to the real problems of what's out there, then by patience, empathy and connection, one may find a connection that may permit one to get oneself going again. Trust, I say this even when I have such difficulties.

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Re: Procrastination

Postby Sequin » Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:18 am

CamGirl wrote:Hi there. I hope you're well. It's hard dealing with what you're experiencing. I've been there before and it was bad. I felt like I was wasting my time, but I'm just watching myself do it anyway. But I tried so hard to have motivation, something to look forward to. Figured if there's someone who could help me, it should be myself.

Hi hello! :o)

I’m honestly really glad you took time out of your day to reply, and to let me know that I’m not the only one struggling. It may sound selfish, but I’m weirdly happy to know that you’re suffering with me, haha :,o).

Taking a small part of what you said, I’ve found that having a goal or something to look forward to has really helped me get through this a little more. My main goal right now is to live a happy life and be mentally stable in the future. To get there, I know I need to push myself to do certain tasks— which I have been doing.

Thanks again for your reply, it really made me happy :o).

Ily <3

Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:46 am

Re: Procrastination

Postby Sequin » Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:24 am

dc123!! wrote:I hope this may help. In the current enstranged world procrastination may be needful. Please understand to a large extent when the contemporary world news delves so much in recent heartache much of what we may feel to be just about our lives and no one else's often comes back to us as a misunderstanding. When the world is suffering, we often also suffer. But if one tries sometimes to truly relate to the real problems of what's out there, then by patience, empathy and connection, one may find a connection that may permit one to get oneself going again. Trust, I say this even when I have such difficulties.

Hello!! :o)

Thanks for replying, your point of view has really made me think about this and it’s made me realise that this is temporary— with time and effort, this will pass. I’m sorry to hear that you also have these same difficulties :o(. I’m honestly happy that I’m not the only one though, that I have people that I can relate to and who can relate to me too.

And yes, the world is suffering right now, but it will get better. When it does I hope that you too can get better with it.

Ily, thanks again for replying :o).

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Re: Procrastination

Postby Tealeaves » Wed May 05, 2021 5:07 am

This is just a personal opinion; I'm not a doctor. I have not read the replies.
Do you also have difficulty making decisions?
The mind has a need to know what to expect.
It also wants to make right decisions, not wrong ones; but, can you say, for a fact, you are making the right decisions? Ever feel like the answer is out there, etched in stone; that unfortunately, you can't see? This may sound silly, but you might need someone to hold your hand. Someone to tell you, this is step one, step two, and so on. I'm sure there is more to your plight lol because there is always more; but hopefully, something I said sounds familiar. Good luck to you!

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