Just a thought on the daily..

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Just a thought on the daily..

Postby L4D » Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:42 pm

The life thats been created the path that was set for everyone the suffering we each endure the happiness that never lasts .
What’s the point where are we going is there even a goal .
So much time spent alone all I want is to hurt so I can feel something .
No glory to those who stand still
No motivation to take a single step
Hate and anger are beginning to consume me .
Peace and love is a dream long forgotten .
Alone with no one watching listening or feeling the pain from others
Selfish we all are even myself
The urge to do better fades with each and every passing seconds .
When will it end what must I do without breaking the taboo .
Just let me out let me go away from what it mean to exist .
I’m done no point no love all pain .
And I’m starting to enjoy it .
Torture me cut me open rip out my nails burn drown electrocute me I want it all cause to me that sounds more pleasurable than a soft bed warm meal or even comfort from someone special .
I want out of life or into real suffering so what will it take .
Just let me die or take me someplace else for the pain that I deserve .
This is a good day for me ..

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Joined: Sun May 31, 2020 10:54 am
Location: Birmingham UK

Re: Just a thought on the daily..

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:59 am

Find your motivation, and find your purpose, the best but most elusive thing in this world is purpose. Most people don't believe there is a purpose, those that do would say its something superficial. I ask God myself and found purpose over time myself. It wasnt always like this, i became extremely stressed because i thought as you do, and that i thought that life is pointless. Find your purpose. Purpose is something that is an ultimate goal in life. Having children is good, but supporting children is much higher on the scale. Getting a high paying job that is fun is good but owning your own company is much higher on the scale. Etc.

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