Dealing with anxiety!!!

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Dealing with anxiety!!!

Postby Amanda145 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:06 am

Hi, my daughter is suffering from a kind of anxiety. She is weak in mathematics. She is not doing her maths home works and not listening to the class. Her teacher is scolding her for this. She is not showing any interest in learning this subject. Once, her teacher made fun of her infront of the whole class. Actually, the teacher thought that this incident would motivate her to study this subject. But this incident hit her in the opposite way. Nowadays she is scared of this subject. We have arranged a special tuition for this. But she is getting more frustrated and tensed. Now she is not interested in going to school. Every day she is finding some reasons to take leave. Is she is suffering from head ache on one day, next day she will be suffering from stomach ache and it goes on. We have consulted our family doctor. He suggested a clinic in Toronto for behavioral therapy. We are planning to take an appointment there. How long will it takes for recovery? If anyone has prior experience with this treatment, please share your views.

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Re: Dealing with anxiety!!!

Postby Olive » Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:24 pm

Hi Amanda

Actually my depression began when I was 9 years old. I wouldn’t do my homework, had a jerk teacher make things worse for me by being severe and condescending to me, and I was just withdrawn in a few ways. My parents ended up sending me to a private school that was a lot less structured and the faculty were very invested in the students. That helped me, and while I had a little depression here and again, I had friends and could go to school like everyone else. What you may want to consider is your daughters environment. Is it believed what causes someone to have depression is a genetic predisposition and then outside stress can trigger the depression. So I am glad my mom pulled me out of school... this lasted a few weeks, and then I was in s new school and things didn’t improve immediately, but I was enjoying my life by the next year.

Behavioral therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a very standard form of therapy that is generally what someone will get, though I’m just with children they have different techniques and all that. So I am just saying this because I wanted to to know this is a normal treatment plan and it is considered one of the most effective. I would caution you to do a lot of research if a psychiatrist tries to put your daughter on medication. Though, I’m taking it your living in the UK or somewhere where they speak English English and not American English, and from what I understand the European methods generally are less reliant on pharmaceuticals.

As far as recovery, there is no way to say. The more you invest in her day to day life, I’m sure, will help her get back to her feeling 100%. If you were to look at a few of the posts under yours, there are two adolescents who can’t get the help they need because their parents are not listening to them ask for help. The fact that you are getting your daughter helps alone improves her odds so much.

I’m not a parent, just someone who’s lived with depression for most her life, so I can’t say anything I’ve said is prescriptive, but that’s what I experienced. I can’t inagine how difficult it isn’t to figure out what is best for your daughter but it looks like you’re starting down the right path.

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Re: Dealing with anxiety!!!

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:00 pm

Amanda145 wrote:Hi, my daughter is suffering from a kind of anxiety. She is weak in mathematics. She is not doing her maths home works and not listening to the class. Her teacher is scolding her for this. She is not showing any interest in learning this subject. Once, her teacher made fun of her infront of the whole class. Actually, the teacher thought that this incident would motivate her to study this subject. But this incident hit her in the opposite way. Nowadays she is scared of this subject. We have arranged a special tuition for this. But she is getting more frustrated and tensed. Now she is not interested in going to school. Every day she is finding some reasons to take leave. Is she is suffering from head ache on one day, next day she will be suffering from stomach ache and it goes on. We have consulted our family doctor. He suggested a clinic in Toronto for behavioral therapy. We are planning to take an appointment there. How long will it takes for recovery? If anyone has prior experience with this treatment, please share your views.

I dont think she should be scared. Maybe she is just having mental issues on mathematics. I had the same problem. Its not the end of the world, she should try hard, maths is a very important subject. She should take maths seriously but confide in the teacher, and be honest with her teacher. They are there to help the students and not just mark papers.

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