Theory of Ladders (a poem of sorts)

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Theory of Ladders (a poem of sorts)

Postby NoniCr8 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:19 pm

We all fall into our own wells
Most people have ladders
Most people are born with those ladders and no matter how rickety they are or how far the climb at least if you have a ladder you know it's possible to reach the top
Our wells get deeper as the years go by
Each of life's trials and tribulations will add a layer of brick to the top
If you have a ladder you can add to it, you will have a base to start construction
I've tried to climb my way out of my own well
My fingers are filthy and bleeding, my nails broken
I've fallen more times than I want to remember
My whole life has been dedicated to climbing but I was born without a ladder
People who love me try to lower ropes that are string thin and they always tear or fray under my weight
There are others like me born without ladders
Sometimes on a sunny day we can strain our necks and tilt our heads just enough to feel the warmth from above
Other days it rains and we become afraid of drowning
We call to Each Other
We remind eachother there are sunny days
We try to comfort those of us being pelted with rain
Most of us cling to those bits of string being given to us
We try in vain to braid them together, to make something more substantial that can hold all our heaviness
Some of us tire of trying
Some of us look those strings around our necks
I will not

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Re: Theory of Ladders (a poem of sorts)

Postby Stephen » Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:07 pm

NoniCr8, what you wrote is truly amazing in my opinion. It is exactly how I feel. That is depression in a nutshell.

I'm not throwing you a thin piece of string (if I could I would throw you a ladder), but whatever you do, please keep writing. Perhaps in your writing I find a thin piece of string, and if others also throw me thin pieces of string at the same time I can make a rope to then build a ladder?

I hope you don't mind, but I've copied and pasted your message for myself. I find your words to be inspiring. If for no other reason, that I realise I'm not alone.

Thank you so much for sharing.

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Re: Theory of Ladders (a poem of sorts)

Postby wyn » Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:58 pm

NoniCr8 wrote:Sometimes on a sunny day we can strain our necks and tilt our heads just enough to feel the warmth from above
Other days it rains and we become afraid of drowning


I myself can't wait to feel that warmth again,.
Lets hope life runs out of bricks and that it'll allow us to be able to reach the top.

Thank you for writing & sharing,
Lets try to keep reminding each other of those sunny days.

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