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body image

Postby _emmakkelly » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:00 pm

My weight has fluctuated a lot and it's always been an insecurity of mine. When I got into an abusive relationship, I lost close to thirty pounds very quickly. Despite losing it in a way that was probably unhealthy, I constantly got compliments on the way I looked which made me feel good about losing that weight. When I got out of that relationship, I gained a bunch of weight back and now I can't look at myself in the mirror without thinking that I look hideous and fat. I've stopped eating almost all together and drink in excess in an attempt to get back to where I was. I know that I should probably find a healthy alternative like the gym but it feels almost impossible to get out of bed, let alone feel motivated enough to work out. I need help and I can't keep feeling like this.
Last edited by _emmakkelly on Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: body image

Postby ithinkimsad » Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:31 am

I was always the fat girl. Lately, Ive been into Anorexia diet routine.I also dont know how to overcome it because i want to be pretty. Pretty...

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Re: body image

Postby Eske » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:01 pm

If you don't eat enough, you'll gain even more weight when you'll start eating normally again.
You've already done a nice step by stopping to drink ;-) Take it gradually, with more little steps like this. If you don't feel able to go to the gym, start by walking 30 mins a day. Or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Use the money you would have spent for sugary food or car transportation to buy something you like: clothes, seeing a movie, a one-day trip. Good luck.

Ps: you don't need to be thin in order to be beatiful or attractive.

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Re: body image

Postby CamilaWillaims » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:06 am

Eske wrote:If you don't eat enough, you'll gain even more weight when you'll start eating normally again.
You've already done a nice step by stopping to drink ;-) Take it gradually, with more little steps like this. If you don't feel able to go to the gym, start by walking 30 mins a day. Or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Use the money you would have spent for sugary food or car transportation to buy something you like: clothes, seeing a movie, a one-day trip. Good luck.

Ps: you don't need to be thin in order to be beatiful or attractive.

Thanks for sharing your experience and advice too hope it helps me too.

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Re: body image

Postby agse01 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:31 am

I'm so sorry that you are struggling like this! I know how overwhelming and defeating these feelings can be! So many of us find our self worth in how we look or from the compliments of others. Once we find that self worth in those places, we do whatever we can to ensure that we will continue receiving those compliments and those feelings of value. When we aren't getting fulfilled in that way, when the compliments stop, we tend to go to very unhealthy measures to get ourselves back to that place or we are very hard on ourselves, hate ourselves, and live in a world of shame and guilt! That is not the place to live! It sucks so much joy and peace out of our lives! You were created for so much more then this world of pain and suffering that you are living in. You are so much more then what you look like! You have value just for being you! You have so much to offer this world! Don't let the lies in your head or "cultural" voices tell you any different! You were created for a reason and a purpose that has little to do with how you look! Beauty is fleeting anyway. It will not last forever, but what we do in this world, who we are, how we treat others, those are the things that matter! Embrace YOU....all of you because you are worthy! IF you aren't already, it may be beneficial to see a therapist to help you through this dark time! I don't know your spiritual beliefs, but I will be praying for you!

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get some spirit =゚▽゚)/

Postby Niel » Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:24 am

Don't eat lot or less, stop eating before you feeling full.

In morning you can eat banana and Oatmeal, or mix them to make some pancakes (uh, it's sooo yummy) but don't eat more than 2 bananas okai '-')b
Also if u have free time try to have a little work such riding bicycle to ur work, ping pong, yoga or etc.
But I remind you to always be calm all off the time. If you are in such a hurry, you will end up panicking.

I do like buddha advice to be calm, let go everything, enjoy with less, and more
Im not a buddhist but it does help a lot in daily things.

and.. If you feel like you don't need to do anything. You can just sit peacefully and listen to the world
in other side. get something to do, so you don't waste you time depressing.
depressing does not end your pain right? :3

Sorry i talk to nowhere too much XD

PM me if you don't mind me ;-;
Im glad if you want to be my friend emma ^-^)/

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