I am depressed

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I am depressed

Postby humanwastegenerator » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:39 am

Hello, I am a college student from Hong Kong. I have been dealing with depression for many years now. It has taken quite a toll on my body and my mental state. I have made valiant effort to try to get out of it but to no avail. I am so experienced with all the techniques and skills that i could probably write a self-help book myself. My problems are trivial compared to others and it may seem to u that i am just bitching about some first world problems now. I don't do drugs, I am not in debt, I don't have family issues. Some may consider that i have a pretty comfy life. but i am very very unhappy. i don't know how long can this go on. Each day starts out with sunshine and rainbows but approaching night, when i finish with the classes, i just get horribly depressed. horrbily . i am too tired to say anything anymore. i will revisit this forum some time later to tell the whole story

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Re: I am depressed

Postby ImJohn » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:16 pm

Hello and welcome!

You've been very courageous to come here and express how you feel so clearly and honestly.

No one here will tell you that depression is trivial or that someone talking about their depressed state is just 'bitching'. It's a serious illness and very,very hard to live with.

Anyway, you're not alone anymore and you'll find sympathy and understanding here as well as sound advice and information. As an example I learned only a couple of days ago about how a deficiency in vitamin D3 can be a cause of clinical depression.

It's good that you can see 'sunshine and rainbows' in the morning and I'm sorry that the darkness of night is so horrible for you. Have you tried using bright lights (the ones that create the same wavelengths and intensity of daylight) in the evening? It's just a thought but they can help in some cases.

I look forward to hearing the rest of your story.

Bye for now


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Re: I am depressed

Postby nightingale77 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:36 am

Hugs.... welcome to the forum and thank you for the courage in sharing your story. It must have been hard to explain why you are feeling the way you are feeling when everything else around seems ok in others eyes. One might even say you are being unappreciative or ungrateful when you are depressed and you have to force yourself to put up the external appearance to assure people that you are ok. I think I understand that all too well. But you know what? You are allowed to feel the way you feel. You don’t need to justify your depression. But I do wanna encourage you, if you are speaking to a counsellor or therapist, don’t give up. Press on with the treatment. You might not see how that’s helping, but in a long run, it will. We are also here to listen to you whenever you feel lke downloading or jus talking about anything. Take care and I’m keeping you in my prayer. God bless!

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Re: I am depressed

Postby bryleighhassan » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:39 am

Anybody can profit by guiding. They can enable you to figure out how to be upbeat and give you procedures to reduce your dejection. I'll be straightforward, however, in the event that it's absolutely natural then you should be sedated and you will know very quickly.

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Re: I am depressed

Postby Life_Hope_Love » Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:17 pm

I am so sorry you're struggling with depression. I know life can be really challenging and when you add in depression, it can become overwhelming sometimes.
Have you ever considered speaking to a counselor or pastor about these emotions? I know for me, that helped a lot to overcome depression/anxiety. Now I rarely struggle with any symptoms and days are hopeful and brighter.
I think talking about it is a really good step in the right direction. Having a solid support system is so important.
Hang in there, it will get better!

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Re: I am depressed

Postby LinDaviS » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:44 am

Hello. I'm sorry that you are so young, and already feel depressed. It's quite a serious thing.
In about 90% of cases, the cause of development of affective disorder is acute psychological trauma or chronic stress. The disorder is accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem, social life, loss of interest in the usual activities, own life and surrounding events. Actually, your symptoms are very similar.
It seems to me that if you do not want to communicate with a specialist, you need to take a piece of paper and write a short essay. Think about what is in your life good, your successes and achievements, qualities and habits. And in another column - that you do not like.
I think thousands of other people hearing your essay would start to envy you. After all, when you are alive, healthy, you have parents, a robot, you are smart and cute, and even lead a healthy lifestyle - it's great! Appreciate it. And the fact that you do not like something - try to change it. Find new interest in life, hobbies, get an animal, etc. and you will see that your life will change dramatically!

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